“Delta 8 Changed My Life!”

You don’t have to take our word for it. Read what other people say about their personal experience with Delta 8 THC and why they rely on it. This natural supplement is helping people feel better, sleep better, and get back to the things they love.  

Relief from Chronic Pain 

“I’ve had chronic pain for 2 years now, mixed with a lifetime of an anxiety disorder. Medications, physical therapy, cognitive therapy, I’ve done a lot to help myself get better and to be a better version of who I am. Nothing has worked for me like Delta 8 has. My pain is gone and my head is clear and peaceful. It’s unbelievable. And I don’t get the zombie-state of a full high like with Delta 9 THC. I just want to say thanks to the cannabis industry for continuing to find the miracles that this plant can produce. It’s a life-changer.”

– Anonymous Reddit user 

“I had a stroke 2.5 years ago as a result I now suffer from central pain syndrome. The only thing that has helped me deal with the pain is delta 8. Helps with the pain and lets me sleep every night.”

Lev Rejanovinsky 

Reducing Anxiety 

“I started taking Delta 8 after trying so many things for my anxiety. I have tried oils, vitamins, tea, CBD…everything. But right now, the best solution I have tried is Delta 8 gummies. It’s one of the best things. It’s very similar to Delta 9, but Delta 8 it’s less strong. Instead of getting a high, it helps me feel calmer, more relaxed, and I get the best sleep of my life. I usually have trouble sleeping, but it definitely helps me sleep like an angel the whole night. In terms of dosage, I usually only take ¼ of a gummy, or at  most ½, so one canister lasts me a really long time, more than a month.”


“As I got older and quit smoking for job-related reasons, I found regular weed to simply be more potent than I could handle regularly. Delta 8 has been a godsend, as one or two small hits will help calm my nerves and focus my mind. A large advantage of Delta 8 over traditional cannabis is that the high is more clear-headed, albeit less intense than that of Delta 9. Delta 8 has wiped anxiety off my mind almost entirely.”  

– Carlos

“This stuff is amazing. I mainly take it for anxiety, but I was going through some temporary back muscle pain and it took me three nights to realize it was the Delta 8 and 10 I’d been taking that was doing more.”

– Anonymous Reddit user 

Try Delta 8 Gummies for Yourself

See our selection of high-quality Delta 8 THC edibles.

Mood Stabilizing 

“Personally, I don’t like getting high. With the level of anxiety and panic attacks that I’ve dealt with in the past, I don’t like getting high because it makes me paranoid and get in my head rather than helping with my anxiety. I like that I can just take two puffs with the vape pen, it relaxes me so I can just hang or get some work done before I go to bed. I hope this can help other people in beating and defeating your battle with anxiety and depression.”  

AJ Gonzales

 “I’m an army veteran who was injured in an IED attack and have dealt with pain, survivors’ guilt, health issues, PTSD and anxiety. These were initially treated with opioids and other prescription drugs; at one point, I was taking 14 different pharmaceuticals, but hated the zombie side-effects. So, I started to look for something natural. Delta 8 THC changed my life. I don’t need to break the law and I definitely don’t need to rely on pharmaceuticals. Delta 8 helps me feel like myself, like a fully integrated person, like I did before deployment.”

Timothy Locklear 

Mood Lifting 

“Delta 8 has helped my anxiety and mood significantly. The only way I really dealt with it was drinking heavily, like when I was in the military. When I tried to quit, I had severe withdrawal which skyrocketed my anxiety and Delta 8 has also helped me with cut back on the drinking. Delta 8 has helped me a lot and I’m hoping to be able to stop drinking completely while using it.”

Jacob Kean 

“I just bought my first vape pen over the weekend and 2 Delta 8 cartridges. I took it with me to work today and took a few hits before starting and another hit at each break. It seems to help with my anxiety so much more than regular weed. With Delta 8 I am clear-minded and can stay motivated and work and function perfectly fine…I’ve been depressed for months but today after smoking I was happy all day.”  

Mark Jones

See Our Delta 8 Products

Burman’s Health Shop has the best selection of Delta 8 vapes, and more!

Sleeping Better 

Delta 8 gummies really work! I don’t take them every night; I only take them when I feel like I need them about an hour and a half before I go to bed. It makes me really tired, so I’m always sure to do it when I’m at home; not when I’m out and about. When I start to feel the effects and feeling tired, I lay in bed and start to relax. Usually, I fall asleep in about 15 minutes. On those nights that I go up to bed and mind is still racing, I’m thinking about things, the Delta 8 helps me relax and clear my mind. Then—bam!–I am able to just fall asleep.”

Tim Reoates 

“The first time I tried Delta 8 because I didn’t want to be out of it or paranoid. So, I tried it with a tincture at night and it helped me sleep. It put me out like a light; I think I slept for 10 hours instead of my typical 7 and then woke up so refreshed. The typical depression that I usually feel every day, where I just feel like, ‘I don’t want to do anything; I barely want to exist,’ was totally gone. That feeling was gone for most of the day. But it wasn’t a fluke, because I’ve been experimenting with amounts for about two weeks. I’ve been finding consistent results: sleeping hard and waking up with the desire to actually do something. I’ve gotten back into dancing, going to the gym, and being excited to go to social events. I’m able to live life!”

Udoka Omen  

Related article: Delta-8, 9, and 10 THC: What Is the Difference? 

Delta 8 Tinctures in Stock

Burman’s Health Shop has the best selection of Delta 8 tinctures, oil, edibles, vapes and more!

Always consult with your doctor before changing medications or trying something new.  

Delta-8, 9, and 10 THC: What Is the Difference?
5 Best Delta 8 Flower: Top THC Flower Strains
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