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Episode 7: Boost your immune system naturally and combat flu season with Endocure Cold & Flu!


Professor Ted and Marty Burman talk with special guest Geoff Melcher, VP of East Park Research, about how to combat the flu season with natural solutions. Burman’s Health Shop partnered with Geoff on their newest product, Endocure Cold & Flu and Olive Leaf Extract, now available in-store and online at www.burmanshealthshop.com. If you didn’t get a flu shot because you’re worried about having a reaction – or the thought being injected with a virus just makes you uncomfortable – there are natural ways to keep from getting sick! Learn how olive leaf extract, d-Lenolate, boosts immunity to such a degree that the body is able to ward off many kinds of illnesses, including the flu.

Be smart this season and build up your immunity armor!


Marty Burman:
Welcome to Rising Core, powered by Burman’s Health Shop.

Marty Burman:
So ladies and gentlemen, thank you for tuning into Rising Core. This is Marty Burman. I’m the owner of Burman’s Health Shop and I’m proud to be here along with Ted Matthews, the professor. How are you doing? Ted will doing fantastic. And Erica, how are you tonight? She’s our producer here. Okay, awesome. And tonight we got a very special guest. I met Jeff in Baltimore in September and we discussed some additional things that we can bring to the marketplace in our Endocure line along with all of the CBD products that we carry. And we came up with some, some really innovative products that are gonna make a tremendous difference in everybody’s health. So we’re going to be talking a little bit today about the immune system, among other things and about the two new products that we have actually developed under, under the strict supervision of Jeff Melcher of East Park Research.

Marty Burman:
So on today’s Rising Core podcast, we are introducing our Endocure cold and flu remedy. And a another formula that is made from premium olive leaf extract for the immune system and also for people that may have failing health. We are also very excited to have Jeff Melcher on our show tonight from the great state of Nevada. Jeff Melcher is the vice president of East Park Research in Nevada and has a bachelor’s degree in kinesiology from the University of Nevada Las Vegas. Jeff also has a master’s degree in biomechanics from the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. He has previously held director and management positions for several companies focusing on sales and marketing development. And in addition serves on the board of directors for East Park Research incorporated. Jeff also is a developer formulator of natural remedies using the health promoting properties of D lentily, which we’re going to really talk about most of the time I believe here and other natural ingredients and is the pioneer of our two new products. As I mentioned. Jeff, welcome to Rising Core.

Jeff Melcher:
Hey guys, so happy to be here tonight. I’m very excited to spend some time.

Marty Burman:
Really appreciate it. And I know that we’re going to get a great education tonight on the two innovative that you help us formulate and develop here under the Endocure brand. You know, we sell a tremendous amount of CBD products just like most health food stores are today because the craze is, is really upon us. So when I met Jeff at one of our natural product expos in Baltimore, Maryland we talked a little bit about how we can help people in addition to the CBD products, which are great for anxiety and inflammation, but we’re always looking for new discoveries. And, you know, one of the biggest issues in today’s society among inflammation is, is also immune system. So we really wanted to you know, develop and formulate something that could really work with research behind it. And that’s really what, what Jeff was able to provide for us. And now we have the new products on our shelves. So you know, Jeff, I, you know, thank you for being on again, it was a great discussion that we had down in Baltimore. How was, how was the show and how was how was everything down there?

Jeff Melcher:
The, the show was phenomenal. It’s always a good time. It was really exciting to get to meet you and O cure and really what you guys are doing and how amazing your CBD and just some of the amazing results that you’ve even heard from your customers and that whole conversation and some of those next steps that it’s been almost two or three months we’ve been working really hard but excited to really have that next step that we can go going into the cold and flu season.

Marty Burman:
Yeah, absolutely. And it really all comes down to education now because we’ve got a product that truly has a lot of research and you’ve done a lot of research on it. So you know, without further ado, what, what, there’s some questions I have for you about the immune system because I think it’s well misunderstood. What, what distress first off, what to stress, how does it, how does it weaken the immune system?

Jeff Melcher:
Great question. And I, I tend to put your immune system into really two categories. We’ve got a micro category and micro tends to be small. That’s your white blood cells. That’s the, that’s the cellular side of your immune system. And most people have heard of white blood cells. We know that that goes in, can kill virus, fungus and pathogens. But then we also have this macro, this larger side, and on the macro you, there are many things that can have an effect on the micro. So the macro drives that micro site and stress, diet, exercise, you start going down all of the things that we do in a daily activity and all of those things have that effect on your immune system. And so when we, when we have this increased stress level, the domino effect goes in, puts this burden on our immune system, on that cellular level.

Jeff Melcher:
We go in, the weather changes and that change adds a burden onto our immune system. We, we walk out and there’s flu and there’s colds and you jump on an airplane, you shake somebody’s hand. All of these things come in bombard our immune system. Now if your immune system is strong enough, you know what it does? It takes all of that on it, knocks it aside and you keep going strong. The issue that we have is when all of these things that come in contact and the stress and these burdens, when our immune system isn’t strong enough, that’s when we start to see that domino effect. That’s when we start to go downhill. And fundamentally when your immune system isn’t strong enough, what happens? You get sick. So that’s really fundamentally when we’re looking at stress, when we’re looking at all of those different external stimulus’s that affect that macro immune system, the what that’s doing is fundamentally burdening your immune system on that cellular level, your white blood cells.

Jeff Melcher:
But that’s great. That’s great. That’s a great explanation in with as many people coming in for CBD.

Jeff Melcher:
These days I would probably say one of, if not the most,

Jeff Melcher:
Sought after benefit would be to control stress and anxiety. So having that, that effect on the immune system is a definitely something to pay attention to.

Marty Burman:
Yeah. And you know, Jeff, you, you know as well as I do, like CBD is kind of basically everybody’s getting consumed by it. And so is so our health food stores just like may like, you know recently on Fox news we did a special and quite honestly after I looked at the statistics, I, 75% of our sales are CBD related. And I think people have to understand that CBD, although it’s an extremely good product, we have to get the word out that there are other great supplements to help people. It’s not the only thing you need always, you know, it’s a great addition.

Jeff Melcher:
But there’s, like you said, there’s all these other great beneficial herbs and nutrients and nutraceuticals that work hand in hand with CBD. So the synergy between the endocannabinoid system and your immune system

Jeff Melcher:
And your inflammatory response system, all that, you know, goes hand in hand and people need to have it manageable expectations when they’re taking any of these products. But sometimes it’s better to pair two together, or even three, depending on your, your end goal than just simply to rely on just one.

Marty Burman:
Yeah. And that’s know, that’s one of the big reasons we brought in Jeff to, to come up with these formulas so that we could meet more needs of the consumers, especially now. Right. you know, January, February, just brutal. December’s not so, so bad here, but we’re off for some brutal weather. And, and everybody’s interested in staying well and, and not missing work and things of that nature. But Jeff ha and the products that we developed and, and we came up with, with, you know, with your help how does endocure olive leaf extract with the Lenna late help. And if you could talk a little bit about DLNR late and what, you know, olive leaf extract contains de LA a Lennon late, so you can explain a little bit more about that.

Jeff Melcher:
Yeah. So in our research and we’re going to look at lots of different olive Leafs and, and it’s important for everybody to understand. The active component we’re looking for in any olive leaf is going to be all your open. All your roping is that active component that we know has antiviral antifungal, antibacterial effects in the body. Now in the research and looking at it, most olive leaf extracts, if not all, will work in your body for two to 20 minutes. Now all of leaf extract outside of your body, it is really difficult if not near impossible to distinguish the differences and all all of leaf extracts outside of the body. They have those same viral fungal bacterial properties. What makes delineate, and this is the active component inside the all your open that we spent our time, energy, effort on extracting and then adding that into the Endocure and we’re not actually adding, we’re, we’re, we’re basically focusing in on that a little late for the insecure olive leaf extract.

Jeff Melcher:
Now, what this is actually doing is it’s making those therapeutic components of the all your open, that antiviral, that antifungal, that antibacterial. We’re making that last in your body seven to eight times what a normal olive leaf extract will do. For example, if you take a regular olive leaf extract, the all your roping, those therapeutic components will last anywhere from two to 20 minutes. With the Endocure olive leaf extract, we have a clinical study showing that it is going to last in your body for seven to eight hours. Now as a researcher, I always go, great, it lasts in your body longer, but what is that really doing? And when we were looking and talking back about your immune system, the macro and the micro level, that micro level is your white blood cells. We did research and wanted to know when we put in the Endocure olive leaf extract what it was doing in your body and we were drawing blood out of humans.

Jeff Melcher:
Yes, a clinical double blind study on humans where we drew up the blood and we were looking inside those white blood cells inside those white blood cells. Something called ROI, reactive oxygen intermediate. That is what kills a virus. That’s what kills the fungus. That’s what kills that bacteria, that ROI. In think of your white blood cells as Pacman. You have this Pac-Man that cruises a wrong and eats up. Those viruses eats up that bacteria. Any bad pathogen that your body comes into contact inside that white blood cell is, are, is that ROI factor? That’s what’s killing it and what the endocrine probably extract he’s doing. Is it going in and making your white blood cells stronger? If you’ve ever gone to the doctors, they’ll go ahead and go, Oh, yep, let me go ahead and get a WBC count. You know what they’re doing there? They’re trying to find out if your body’s fighting off an infection because an elevated white blood cell count means your body’s fighting infection. We all only have so many white blood cells to go and fight off a horrible flu fight off that cold fight off that bacteria, and we with endocure were able to come and put this all together. That’s literally going to make every single one of those white blood cells stronger to keep you the healthiest you can be.

Jeff Melcher:
Oh, that’s amazing. Yeah, that’s really cool. I mean, we have something that’s so powerful and a real pro product that people can get behind and understand. I mean, we are pumped up here. So essentially the D linearly, does it kind of act like a, like a time release on the older European?

Jeff Melcher:
That’s a really good crest question. What did the little aid is actually doing is whenever we ingest something, eat food, our body immediately starts to break it down. And what we were able to do with this delineate the, the olive leaf extract is we were able to hide from those proteins so that the, the breakdown process doesn’t start happening right away where we get that longevity. So we’re not actually extending or making it longer. What we’re doing is we’re hiding. So those therapeutic components can, can last even longer inhibiting some of the enzymes that break again. Yes.

Jeff Melcher:
Yeah. It’s tremendous. You know, and, and there’s, and there’s tons of research on this, you know, we’re, we’re going to be able to provide that on our homepage, on our blog. We actually even have a QR code here at the store. You can take a picture of it and basically goes right to our, our research page show. We have a lot of this discussion and information plus our podcast. So there’s lots of ways to follow us and, and understand more about this product. Jeff, this is fascinating and we just, we just can’t wait to, you know, get this in the hands of our customers so they can see, you know, great results. Perfect timing to the last couple of days. I’ve had a bunch of people coming in and then as I was telling you earlier in the news to know in our local area, there’s a whooping cough outbreak.

Jeff Melcher:
So everyone’s immune systems are becoming compromised and we’re seeing more and more folks come in looking to boost up the immune system and fight off these colds and flus. So great timing on this product. Yeah, we appreciate all the work that you put into to this, Jeff, so that we can we can really make a difference in our community. I, I, okay. So basically what we have is we, we have two powerful products. We have the cold and flu product, which I want you to explain. And then we also have the olive leaf with the Lenel aid. So if somebody comes in that’s very sick or has recurring sinus issues or basically they, they just have a weakened immune system and catch everything. What is the protocol that they can expect when, when, when they come in?

Jeff Melcher:
It’s a good question and it’s the right question. It’s, it’s what everybody really, really wants to know. And so if you are someone that is getting sick or regularly, you’re going to probably need to be on anywhere from two to three capsules a day that, that’s really [inaudible] that’s on the person that gets sick probably six or seven times in a year. And we’re going to want to separate that out every eight hours for that three doses or one in the morning. And one at night and, and I want to make sure communicate this. It’s important to not beat yourself up if you miss one or you’re not perfect when you’re dealing with homeopathics. When you’re dealing with natural ingredients, when your taking those first steps or the 15th step, it’s about being a little bit better today than you were yesterday. It’s about getting that anxiety.

Jeff Melcher:
It’s about the inflammation. It’s about getting your immune system a little bit better today than you were yesterday. So when I’m saying all three pills or two pills, it’s about taking that initial first step. So if you’re not sick all the time, you met maybe once, twice a year, you’re going to be looking at one capsule. If you’re sick, let’s call it in between three and six. You may be one in the morning and one at night and if your immune system really is down really down, you’re probably going to need to be on that one pill three times a day. Now you had a loaded question in there for me. There. There are chronic things like candida and other items that that basically we’ve, we’ve had around for a long, long, long, long time in our, our body just can’t seem to get enough power to start reversing some of those, those chronic issues in Ford that we’re going to need to really increase that dose to two capsules three times a day and, and it’s not a perfect science as far as when you know, you start on the two capsules three times a day, Oh, within a month I’m going to be completely cured or, or a 100% better or two months or three months.

Jeff Melcher:
But what I can tell you is it is going to start working immediately and at the end of 30 days you will be able to see a difference and whatever you’re doing now, that’s kind of working. I’m not saying to stop that and do cures all of leaf extract, that’s that. The ingredients is a synergistic product. It works with other items. If you think of Indo cures, olive leaf extract solely as going in and getting your immune system as strong as it can be. So we can start healing the body naturally. It can start healing itself. Don’t forget about those other items that are helping with the other symptoms, not symptoms, systems in the body. This is a whole body synergistic approach

Marty Burman:
And these are, these are, and these are results, Jeff, that people are going to be able to, to really notice because in in the supplement business it’s, it’s a little difficult because it’s not like drugs, you know, drugs work right away. They do have side effects, but a lot of times we have to give people a little bit of time to, to, to adjust. Now we’re talking about the D Lennon Lee with the olive leaf extract, but the cold and flu is a little bit different. Correct. So if somebody comes in for a cold and flu where we’re going to give them a, a higher dose, is that correct of the, of a formula

Jeff Melcher:
You are spot on in, in like all of us, if I’m not feeling good, why do I have to wait five days to start feeling better by taking this natural supplement? And that was one of the things Marty goes, man, we’ve got to have something else for people. We’ve got to have a natural approach to go and fight this cold or fight this fluke. It’s literally deadly. And what we were able to do is keep the same amount of of olive leaf extract delineate, but we put together a homeopathic blend of meme and NextGen Nasia all together so that we have the olive leaf extract and literally going in and getting your immune system stronger. And then that homeopathics that we have are literally there to help with all of those symptoms. And what’s so amazing about this product, literally amazing about this product, and I guarantee this for Marty, you don’t feel well and you start taking the two tablets with water, give it a few hours, you’ll start to feel better. Then six hours later after the first two, you take the next two, you start to feel a little bit better and then by the end of the day you’re going to go all my gosh, this, this cold and flu by Endocure has knocked it out of the par.

Marty Burman:
Now. Jeff, I want you to say, I want you to say that one more time. So the people actually hurt here that you’re telling me that somebody comes in and they don’t feel well. They feel like a cold is starting to happen or they’re starting to get into cold symptoms. You’re telling us that in three days they will notice a remarkable difference.

Jeff Melcher:
No, I’m not telling you in three days in a, okay, okay, you hours, you will start to notice the change. By the end of the day you’re going to be freaking out. And here’s the biggest problem. Don’t stop taking the cold and flu by Endocure you meet. It is designed to give you these amazing results, but then strengthen that immune system backups so it doesn’t relapse. It is designed to make you feel amazing by day one, day two at the latest, and then by day three you go, Oh, I don’t need it. I’m going to save it. No. It’s designed to continue to strength your immune system so we don’t relapse and just like a lot of things, but you know, I’m going to say it anyways. The faster you catch it, the faster your results. And what I love is if you, if you wake up in the morning, you’re like, Oh man, I’m a little off. You’d be shocked at how easy it is to put to follow it all the way through and get your immune system back up and going. So this is this Endocure. Cold and flu is not one of those products where you leave it in the store and wait, no, no, no, no, no, no. You need to add it the next time you’re in because it needs to be sitting in your medicine cabinet here. Me sitting in your medicine cabinet ready to go because it’s going to happen.

Jeff Melcher:
Yeah, that’s what we need. We need, that’s the biggest challenge is people need that instant gratification. And a lot of times they don’t want to want to wait for things to kick in, even if they’re clinically validated or proven. So this kind of meets all the needs and requirements. It gives the fast effect and it essentially it’s really going to boost the immune system and, and get you feeling better right away. I mean, the less downtime the better. Right? We want that instant gratification. We want to feel better fist, we want to strengthen the immune system and this kind of hits all the marks.

Jeff Melcher:
Well, what’s even exciting with that is you just said validation and, and, and evidence and, and you want all of those things. What makes the little late? Olive leaf extract Endocure. This product’s so exciting. There is actually a clinical double blind study done on the effectiveness of the olive leaf extract as the linearly to kill influenza virus. Yes. A clinical double blind study, peer reviewed, published, done on the effectiveness of olive leaf extract as diligently to kill the influenza virus.

Jeff Melcher:
So if you get a flu shot, are you a complete schmuck?

Jeff Melcher:
Well I’m not gonna I’m not gonna answer that all the way through, but let me, we like to have, by the way, Jeff, this was my ice breaker cause we like to have a little bit of fun here. Very nice. So here’s here before we go into the complete smug and down here, here’s what I’d like to make sure I tell people. How does a vaccination work? How does the flu vaccination works? Fundamentally, they’re, they’re taking down that by risk. They’re using plasma technology, they’re splicing and apart. They’re putting it back together and they’re trying to design this, this virus that has no little to no symptoms on humans, has all of the bad deadly properties of another virus and can grow really well so that they can mass produce it. There’s the splicing all of these things together. And first off, we hope that they get right regularly.

Jeff Melcher:
But on top of that, when they inject that into your body, when they take that virus and inject it in [inaudible], all they’re doing is giving you a flu virus. It’s your immune system that has to go in and fight it and build those antibodies. If you’ve ever gotten sick out there from a flu shot, why was that? Your immune system wasn’t strong enough to build the antibody so you got sick. Why do they recommend that this, the young, the old, the sickly get flu shots because they are immune compromised to a point where they can’t actually fight back. So when you’re wondering are you a complete flow or the pharmaceutical 13 this is because they’re utilizing your own immune system to create this quote unquote protection. Or you can go ahead and take a step in and get your immune system to a level that it can fight back on its own naturally.

Jeff Melcher:
I mean, if we can take care of Ted, if we can take care of people’s anxiety and their pain and inflammation and now keep their immune system strong where they’re going to be able to have a much more productive life. I mean we’re, we’re doing, we’re doing some tremendous work here. Yeah, absolutely. I mean, a lot of stuff goes hand in hand. You know, the more anxiety you have, the more stress you have, the more compromised the immune system becomes. The more sick Yar, the more you know, downtime you’re going to have, makes you depressed, makes you feel down, the more down you are. You know, it’s a vicious cycle. And you know, and, and like Jeff said, you know, it’s a whole system synergy that we’re looking to kind of hit here. So when you’re knocking out these, you know, these big issues that people are dealing with, inflammation and anxiety and depression and immune system disorders, it it gives us a big leg up on, you know, getting people back to the healthy state, you know, mentally, physically, and this is a great way to really kind of combat some of these issues that people are dealing with on a day to day basis.

Jeff Melcher:
Well we’ve always, we’ve always been cutting edge here and you know, the first ones really in our community to bring in CBD and CBD like products and new O tropics and you know, certain proteins and delivery systems. Now we have another product that is going to make a huge difference. Yeah. You gotta do your research, you know, we, and that’s kinda like, you know, where we differentiate ourselves is finding what’s effective, what works. I’m a big Guinea pig myself. I try a lot of this stuff. I know you guys started taking these products recently and, and her feeling

Marty Burman:
A lot better, you know, just in your everyday life. So you know, we’re here for anyone who needs it. Hey, Hey, I’m going to shout out to all of our customers. Stop in and get this cold and flu product from us that is innovative, is going to change the quality of your life and that will be working in hours, not days, but hours to help you with cold and flu. And as a daily dose for your immune system, you’re going to be taken to D lentily olive leaf extract. That is a, a patent, correct Jeff? It’s a patented olive leaf extract.

Jeff Melcher:
It is. It actually is a patented olive leaf extract. And there’s been a great partnership with Endocure to, to fundamentally, we have the same beliefs of wanting to help you. You, the listener fundamentally are the driving force of taking our collective knowledge and being able to put it together to then be able to make you a healthier your you, and please hear the heart behind of what we’re all saying and, and it’s about doing a little bit better each day.

Marty Burman:
Yeah. And that’s really it. He wins the race. And as that success is about the fist fix, you know? Yeah. And that’s, that’s really what it’s all about. And listen, we all have issues. We all have problems. There’s not a person in the world that I’ve met that had some type of either health issue or a mental issue or whatever, you know, whatever is, is, is, is hurting them. Because, you know, life, life can be difficult. But through a process of staying positive at a process of talking to others and, and you know, therapy and different modalities to, to deal with our issues and problems and coming to see Marty Burman and Ted over at Burman’s or talking to Jeff. This is how we all stay in a, in a good state. And, and, and, and that’s, that’s what we’re all about. We’re all about just trying to help each other. Is there any contraindications with taking this with any other medicines or any other supplements?

Jeff Melcher:
Great, great question. Here’s, here’s kind of the, the approach. If you are taking something, if you are taking a medication and that medication is designed to suppress your immune system, you do not want to take all of leaf extract as the Lenawee. You don’t. And let me give you a couple of examples. If you had bronchitis, what happens is it’s in your lungs, in your immune system is overreacting, believe it or not, and it’s causing this mucus. And so what they give you is a steroid to thin suppress that immune system to get your, to get your immune system actually back and working the way it’s supposed to. They use chemicals for this. The other scenario is if you are going through chemoradiation therapy that is designed to kill well everything in your immune system being one of those. Now I will give you an anecdotal communication that I had with my, one of the doctors I work with and this patient decided not to listen to our recommendation and to not take the olive leaf as Dylan a late while going through the radiation therapy.

Jeff Melcher:
And at the end of the two-week trial, they did the blood work in the test and the results, and believe it or not, it looked like she hadn’t gone through those two weeks of pain because the immune system was actually functioning better after being on the olive leaf festival in the late than before. So what I’m saying is if you are taking something that’s designed to suppress your immune system, this is not going to be that, that, that product. But if you’re on something naturally and you’re taking some natural approaches to things, if you know of a natural product out there that literally will suppress your immune system, I would love to hear about it. But as far as I’m concerned, I have never heard of anything like that. So that’s just me.

Jeff Melcher:
Yup. I have not either of you did. I mean I think I’ve seen some, some research that doesn’t, I think CBD has some for like autoimmune disorders is would that be considered with somebody with an autoimmune disorder would, would they take this product or they would stray away from it because their immune system is essentially attacking itself? Correct.

Jeff Melcher:
You are 100% correct and, and this takes us into the next step and if things in life were just Oh, so simple, it would be, yeah, this boosts your immune system, don’t take it. But when we really start breaking down the Endocure all of leaf as the, literally what we actually find is it’s an immune modulator. And what does that mean? An immune modulator means if your immune system isn’t strong enough, what do we see? We see your immune system increase in strengthen. Now this is 80% of the people out there. We’ve, our immune systems are low. We want to, we want to increase that. But there is this other group of where their immune system is overactive. It’s, it’s, it’s not working the way it’s supposed to. It’s, it’s hyperactive if you will. And that’s where the olive leaf as that it starts this calming effect. And I do know that there is some research out there on CBD where we get this same calming effect and in lots of different areas. And I will tell you CVD has many, many, many more years of research to really understand all of the therapeutics. But all of leaps been around so long. We, we’ve got a little bit of a leg up where we can, we can make these claims and we can communicate this information. Cause we do know the fundamental basic properties of an olive leaf. Is that a modulator immune modulator?

Jeff Melcher:
So it’s essentially, it’s a, it’s adaptogenic to your immune system. So if it’s underactive or overactive, it’s going to help kind of balance it out. But how do we know, how do we know whether you’re underactive or overactive? I think, I think people with autoimmune disorders, I mean a lot of times they’re feeling really bad. Most of them would have a diagnosis of that. I would think. We know we can, we can system or overactive. Overactive. Gotcha. Okay. I don’t, you know, I’m not fully versed in, you know, immune system or autoimmune disorders, but I, I know it’s essentially where, you know, your body is attacking itself or trying to everything’s kinda thrown off off-balance essentially. So you have to, you have something that we can, that we can like reference to as far as what we, what we should stay awake with with


Jeff Melcher:
The, the easiest way again is going to be if there’s something out there that is designed to suppress your immune system and you’re on that, that medication or for [inaudible] that supplement if you will you’re going to really need to go to your primary care and, and ask, ask the question and all you really have to say is I would like to take an olive leaf extract that will make my immune system stronger. And if they say no, well hopefully you know why, but 99% of the times they’re going to say yes, go ahead. The therapeutic properties and in all of Leif is, is considered grass generally recognized as safe. And so this is from the medical community side. So the, your PR, your, your primary care is going to be more apt to saying yes where the CBD may not have all of the research and may not be in that, that appropriate category as of yet, but give it some time and it will be [inaudible].

Jeff Melcher:
Okay. That leads me to my next question. Let’s say somebody comes into the store and they have an incredible immune system. They don’t get sick as olive leaf extract, our Endocure de lentily something that somebody

Marty Burman:
Can use that’s that strong.

Jeff Melcher:
Another really good question. I love it. You know, every single day you go out into the world and every single day you are putting a stressor on your immune system. If our immune system was so strong, even the healthiest person, we would never get sick and our life expectancy would just start to get higher and higher and higher because every single inflammation, the immune response is a part of so many different functions. And even that healthy person, if you ask them at some point they can remember getting sick or feeling a little bit under the weather, they may be going strong now, but give it 20, 30 years where you’ve had life and you’ve had all of these different factors that just, these pathogens that come in and, and burden your immune system will give you a great example. Shingles, shingles, if you’ve ever had chicken pox, shingles virus is still in you all.

Jeff Melcher:
Why aren’t there so many people running around with shingle sores all over them? It’s because their immune system strong enough to keep it at Bay. That’s why older adults see these results from the shingles Prince. Their immune system gets compromised and then it rears its ugly head. Well, your immune system is working all the time. Why not give it what it needs now? That healthy person, male in need, one, they may not want to change because as humans, frankly, we hate change and we’re inherently lazy, so, right. So I got four kids, they take it to another level. Exactly. So yeah, so we’re, we’re, we’re really trying to, you know, take those baby steps, work a little bit forward and maybe the cold and flu is something for you. That healthy person, I’m not ready to go and work. Give it 10 years, give it 20 years.

Jeff Melcher:
At some point you’ll go, man, I wish I had. And it’s one capsule. It’s one capsule. But if you’re even not willing to do that, make sure everyone hear me, hear me, hear me. Get down and make sure you get an Endocure cold and flu. So it’s sitting in your medicine cabinet, the healthy person, the sick person, whoever you may be. Make sure it’s there because let me tell you, flu B, which is normally comes back in, comes out in February and March. It’s actually testing 80% of the time now, which is more deadly and you give it a few weeks and you’re going to start seeing it on the news. It’s a real issue this year.

Marty Burman:
You know what, Jeff, I’m not getting it. Do you know why? Because I just started. I just started taking Endocure. Olive leaf extract. We’re going to kick the God damn shit out of bacteria. Viruses,

Marty Burman:
Deathly sickness, fungal infections. We’re going to do it, Ted. We’re going to beat, we’re going to be viruses. Let’s do it. Let’s get everybody in the state of Pennsylvania on here. We did it with CBD. We can do it with this product. We have the knowledge, the passion, the intellect, the backup of Jeff. We can do this. We can make a difference. It’s everybody listening out there. We can make a difference. Stop into our store. It’s not an expensive product. What’s expensive is you getting sick. Yup. You hurting your family because you didn’t take care of yourself or because you get sick and you get them sick. So if you’re not gonna do it for yourself, at least do it for them. Yeah, that’s for damn sure. You know, you know, Jeff in Philly, we, we just tell it the way it is.

Jeff Melcher:
Well, why not? I mean, you’re trying to help people and sometimes it takes a flap upside your head to get your ass moving so that you can fundamentally be a healthy, happier you.

Marty Burman:
Yeah. Well, I got sinus, I have, I’ve chronic sinus infections. They’ve wanted me to do surgery. So we just started on the Endocure. I did. And then Nicole one of the ladies that works with us, she has sinus infection. So we both started on it. You know, of course we don’t expect miracles, but we’re hoping that, you know, at the very least we’re, we’re healthy and you know, during these, these winter months and we, we know that we have the research behind it that we’re in, we’re going to make a huge difference. And I just, you know, we’re, we’re running out of time. Jeff, I have one other question and Ted may have another, how long have you guys had this product, Jeff?

Jeff Melcher:

Marty Burman:
This, this you guys have been, hadn’t been selling this since 1995.

Jeff Melcher:

Marty Burman:
Holy shit. Wow. There is, Oh, I know what I was going to ask Jeff [inaudible] you know, I, I know this, this could be a long, lengthy story if you wanted to, but I’m going to ask America. Okay. Cause I think it’s important, Jeff, you’ve done an amazing amount of research on olive leaf extract, but I want you to tell our listeners how this actually came about. You, you’ve been formulating and researching all of the effects drag for, I mean, close to 25 years now. Is that correct? And, and we, we just want to know the story behind how your family really came about this product.

Jeff Melcher:
Yeah. And, and I appreciate the, the opportunity to be able to share this because you know, the why, the why is actually really important. A lot of people do a lot of different things. For a lot of different, but understanding the why and the heart and you know, for, for us, for my family my grandfather, he had two sons, two daughters, his youngest son contracted AIDS in the 80s and AIDS in the 80s was a death sentence, but you, you didn’t pass away from the AIDS virus. What would happen is it would suppress your immune system to a point to where you would get something like pneumonia in your body, couldn’t fight back. And, and you would die from pneumonia, which was fundamentally caused by a compromised immune system from AIDS. And my grandfather sold everything he had. He purchased the research from Upjohn and continue doing research for about seven years until he, he cracked that code of the little late.

Jeff Melcher:
And if we, if we go and we look and see that delineate is what is going in and boosting the immune system to a level where you could fight back. Now he wasn’t able to find the olive leaf has to literally in time, but he vowed that he was going to get this all of leaf as delineate to as many people as possible into as many people that would listen. One of the reasons why we love education, one of the many reasons why we’ve done a lot of research, we want to be able to know and say what we’re physically doing. And if you’ve ever gotten a fun cease and desist letter, if you’ve ever had someone try to beat you down, that’s really the story of the olive leaf extract as delineate. It’s kind of like the CBD story. It’s been around for since 18 EGF CBD has been around forever.

Jeff Melcher:
It’s only now starting to gain a little bit of a, of a notoriety a, the results are just slowly moving forward. And so well you’ve been doing it since 1995. We’ve been educating people since 1995 we’ve been changing people’s lives. We’ve been saving lives by getting your immune system to a level where it can literally take on anything. And what I find so funny is immunotherapy, they’re saying, Oh yeah, can we can kill cancer with immunotherapy? We got it. Your immune system has been doing it since the beginning of time and now we have something that can go and get your immune system to a level that can save somebody’s life, even though we weren’t able to save my uncles. Amazing. And kids. Seniors. Okay. Okay. Did they get, yeah. Oh, absolutely. You know, kids are hard to get research and studies on, but let’s say you have an animal or a, I like to tell people a good dosage for whatever size is going to be 10 milligrams per pound. So that’s, that’s kind of the, this is [inaudible],

Jeff Melcher:
You know, as I do more and more research on this and read up on it and, you know, hopefully on the next one I’ll have a few other questions to ask and, and pry into. But I’m pretty, I’m intrigued with, with this and how it came about and yeah, no, no other questions, man. I’m just excited that we have it now and we can, you know, keep getting the word out just like his grandfather wanted to, you know, now we’re, you know, he educated us. Now we’re going to educate the customers and, and you know, the, the word will get spread and one way or the other, you know, and I’m just glad we’re a part of it. Yeah. And it’s an amazing thing when we make a connection with somebody like Jeff that has so much passion. And I, I’m so glad I had, I had it down right, that, that he was the guy that we could we could depend on. So, I mean, I really thank you because we’ve really connected in so many ways. You come on, you do a great podcast for us with research Philadelphia. You’re coming to town and you’re going to be coming here to the store, which we can’t wait. We’ve got wonderful products two innovative products now in the Endocure brand that’s going to make a difference. And, and that was because you two and, and we, we really appreciate you coming on Jeff, this was great.

Marty Burman:
The content on Rising Core is for entertainment and educational purposes only. Please check with your medical professional. Please check with your medicine man to make sure that we are fucking you up. Man.


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