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Episode 6: Exploring Ashwagandha, B12, Homeopathy and New Products



In this episode, Ted, Marty and Erica discuss ashwagandha and it’s incredible health benefits for relieving anxiety and keeping your cortisol in check. The Burmans crew also discuss B12, homeopathy and new products and updates from Burman’s Health Shop. Questions from the show or interested in products? Call us at 610-874-8418!

Podcast (Audio Version)


Marty Burman:
Welcome to Rising Core, powered by Burman’s Health Shop

Marty Burman:
Hey guys, welcome back to Rising Core powered by Burman’s Health Shop. It’s Marty Burman here and I’m back with Ted, professor Ted and our producer Erica Burman. We’re here tonight to talk about a lot of things actually. We’re going to talk about two supplements that a lot of people take. One is growing in popularity. So we’re going to go through an urban ayurvedic herb that’s actually called ashwagandha. We’re also going to be talking about the benefits of B12 and the different forms of B12 and what B12 you should be taking. And also we have a bunch of updates on the store, new products that we’ve brought into the, into the store some revolutionary products that are really making a difference in people’s lives and lots of exciting developments here at the store and promotions and also online at www.burmanshealthshop.com. Hey everybody.

Erica Burman: You realize you don’t have to say www anymore right?

Marty Burman: Yeah. Is that what I did?

Ted Matthews:
I think people just Google everything now anyway. I don’t even type in, I usually look everything up on my phone and I literally just typed the web site name into Google and whatever link pops up, that’s the one I go with. So no www anymore. I don’t know. Not that I use unbelievable things that are just living in Iraq.

Marty Burman:
Yeah. So while I’m, I’m living under half a rock. So tonight we’re going to talk about a specific product that we’re carrying here at the store and it’s called ashwagandha. It’s actually been on the market for quite a few years. Different brands have carried this particular herb. And I think that we’ve all known that it has a lot of power behind it, but now it actually has some really good science behind it. So now we know for sure that it’s safe and also effective for more things than we ever thought it was. So, you know, Ted, do you wanna talk a little bit about ashwagandha and some of the things that you’ve discovered about it?

Ted Matthews:
And some of the things that you’ve you’ve discovered about it? Yeah, I mean, going back to what you said like it’s been around for a while and what’s been around for thousands of years traditional used in Ayurvedic medicine like you had mentioned in India, and I think it grows in small parts of Africa as well, but I think the clinical research, you know, sometimes anecdotal evidence can get ahead of the science. People experiment with things and people get, you know, herbs get passed down from generation to generation and people find that they’re useful for certain things and then, you know, not there’s not always funding or there’s not always a purpose for some of these universities to study it at, at the scientific level to find out is it useful, is it beneficial? Why they’re herbs, they’re natural. You know, we, we run with the pharmaceutical model here in the United States especially.

Ted Matthews:
So, you know, there, there’s been people using this for a long time and I think, you know, around 2015 real research started to come out with ashwagandha on its benefits specifically on testosterone. It’s testosterone boosting effects, it’s thyroid boosting effects. So weight loss, a really good for anxiety and for cortisol levels were, you know, the stress hormones. And this is all clinically backed research. It’s not these companies promoting it, you know, just promising you the world. This is people that have no care, whether it’s good, bad or indifferent, and they’re, they’re publishing studies that show the benefits of this. And every study, the consensus was the same. It’s safe, it’s effective and it, and it works. It works well. So we’ll go over some of the studies and, you know, just a little bit of the numbers and a little bit, but you know, I’ve been taking it for maybe almost three weeks now and I swear by this stuff, man, and I’m not a placebo effect person.

Ted Matthews:
I really I’ve noticed a huge difference as far as mood and irritable irritability and anxiety. It does really good. How about your weight training? You know, because it says, the studies indicate in the data indicates that it actually helps out with recuperation and, yeah, absolutely. Yeah. So in the islands there. Yeah. You know right now. So we do different times of the year. We do different types of caloric intake. So there’s other, other variables that play a part. Right now I’m looking to gain weight. So the ashwagandha is absolutely helping with recovery and strength and you know, luckily when it’s time to die it, I’ll definitely be using it for its thyroid boosting effects. So I’ve noticed the difference, you know, it’s early three weeks, but I can, you know, I’m, I’m pretty in tune with, you know, my, my body and supplements and different things that I put in.

Ted Matthews:
I like to experiment and this is definitely one that I’m not taken out anytime soon. So a lot of kids, especially just recently I’ve been talking to a lot of teenagers and kids. It is amazing how many of them are really dealing with anxiety and pressure. It’s, it’s, I, I think when we were younger we, we had those issues, but it just, it just seemed like it wasn’t as prevalent. But the reason I’m asking is, is ashwagandha a safe product for what ages? Ted, I think ashwagandha can be, you know, I probably would start implementing it in my teenage years. I think before that maybe be, and who knows nowadays, you know younger kids are dealing with depression and you know, the internet plays a, I swear it plays a big part in all this. You know, people are looking at friend’s and family’s posts on social media and they’re comparing their highlight reels to, you know, their real-life stuff.

Ted Matthews:
So you’re, you’re looking at your friends, all the good things that they’re posting because nobody posts the bad stuff, but you’re comparing it to your bed stuff. So I think that’s where the anxiety and the depression and you know, I think that all comes in earlier on now where we didn’t have this before. Yeah, you didn’t, you know what was going on behind closed doors, stayed behind there. Now everyone’s got a glimpse at least into what people want them to see. And of course, you know, I want you to see all the good stuff. You know, my life’s great. I don’t want to post, you know, the shit that I’m dealing with. So you know, we post all the good stuff. So yeah. Yeah. I think, you know, other people are looking at that and not realizing like that somebody you know, highlights, you know, that’s not their every day monotonous life that they’re living.

Ted Matthews:
So ashwagandha a product probably over the age of 17, 18 years old. Absolutely. Okay. Okay. So great product for kids in their later teens into their 20s, 30s, forties 50s and on up. I’ve been taking it just like Ted has been and I F I happen to have to say that I feel a little bit more balanced. But I do take CBD as well. And the CBD, the CBD helps out with that greatly. And this is something that you can take with CBD, correct? Yeah, absolutely. The synergistic effects are so they both work. Ashwagandha is an adaptogenic herb, so it works on balancing out all the other major players in our body. So it just wants your body, all the regulatory functions of the human body. When they get thrown out of whack, the ashwagandha can signal just like CBD does. CBD does through a different pathway, but it can signal to the body like there’s an imbalance. Let’s get it back to normal. Let’s get back to homeostasis. And so these adaptogenic herbs, there are a few others, there’s Rhodiola and there’s Holy Bazell. But ashwagandha seems to have the most valid research behind it. So everybody taking definitely

Marty Burman:
Look into taking some ashwagandha 100%. It’s a very inexpensive herb just because of the nature of it. Inexpensive, not cheap. I say, you know, the word cheap means that it’s not quality, right? We have an inexpensive, very high-quality premium product standardized the way that it should be. So it goes through a process where we absolutely know for sure how much is in every single capsule. So you’re getting a calibrated amount, correct. Look, just based off of

Ted Matthews:
Me taking it alone, forget all the research. What I, what I’ve noticed in just three weeks in most of these studies, they really start to see the benefits around week four, week five, cut that in other places of your budget and get on this supplement, get on CBD and cut out the McDonalds, cut out the Wallowa and start implementing this stuff. You, you’ll be happy you did.

Marty Burman:
Yeah. I think we’re onto something that you had told me the other day that ashwagandha, it’s going to turn into a $5 billion industry just on that herb, or am I wrong about that? You’re wrong. Okay. That’s not the first time. I think. I literally think…I don’t know. I don’t have the numbers in front of me, but I believe it is looking to be $22 billion. Oh my Lord. I thought I was ahead of myself. That’s one herb. Yeah. Well, whether the numbers are accurate. It’s increasing every year because people are just like CBD. You get on it and you tell somebody about it. Everybody that’s been coming in knows that

Ted Matthews:
And telling them, you know, a lot of people ask me what I take, we get access to all this stuff. So they want to know, you know, what we’re using, right? This stuff is ashwagandha is definitely beneficial I think. I dunno, I, I think, you know, it’s growing and we’re not when you find something that works, you tell other people about it. I think it’s just human nature. So when people are getting good results from CVD, they’re taking it and then they’re telling their friends and their family and that’s why it’s growing because when something works, you want to tell people about it.

Marty Burman:
So Ted, what is this? What does this do for us? Just can you, can you list just a few things that people can expect? Yeah. So some of the studies,

Ted Matthews:
And these are again all clinically researched [inaudible].

Marty Burman:
It’s gonna lower cortisol. First thing that’s going to lower cortisol levels. Cortisol is the stress hormone. When you’re feeling stressed, anxious, the body stimulates cortisol. Cortisol for the athlete is probably one of the worst things, things that

Ted Matthews:
Can happen. It’s catabolic, it breaks down muscle tissue, it helps it makes your body not be able to recover. You’re not going to put on any muscle. You’re not going to put on any strengths. And you’re going to, you’re going to feel weakened for the regular every day Joe, you’re going to feel fatigued, tired you’re gonna feel anxious. Cortisol is one of the worst things that, that we have going on in our bodies. And they say somewhere between 70 and 80% of us are dealing with elevated cortisol levels, you know, for the majority of the, throughout the year. And that’s why people come in all the time and they have low energy and they just, they feel anxious. You know, we want to get those levels in check.

Erica Burman:
Yeah. They had like, has such an effect on different parts of your

Ted Matthews:
Hell. Yeah. The absolutely like you can feel stress, whether it’s physical stress or mental stress. You can feel it all over your body. You know, when your blood pressure rises, you just, you feel tired. A lot of people don’t want to, they want to sleep more. So when you take the ashwagandha and it suppresses that cortisol, you’re, you’re just gonna feel better, you’re gonna feel much more energized and who doesn’t want to feel more energetic and feel good and you know, not overly stimulated, just wide awake and just ready, you know, ready to take on the day thing. So I’m looking at a paper now that said this is on stress and anxiety, the KSM 66 version. So in an eight-week trial, adults taking ashwagandha, their serum cortisol levels were reduced by 27.9%, which is a huge, huge number. When you’re looking at cortisol, the greatest reduction in severe depression was down a 79.3% decline in depression and severe depression. And then in regular self-assessed depression, it was down 77%. So these are shooting, you know, this is, this is a game-changer for somebody that’s dealing with depression. And

Erica Burman:
Yeah, I just I looked up something on the anti-stress effect of it and it said that it was shown to have an increase when they performance and rats as judged by increase. In so many times, it actually doubled their swimming time.

Ted Matthews:
Yeah. Well, there’s a study from 2015 so guys that were taking this one of the first supplement companies to use the KSM 66 wears and they used it. There was a study that was done and there was a 495% increase in testosterone levels. So strength, you know the, these are guys that had low testosterone so the body adapted and, and you know when you’re dealing with weight training and Athens, when your boys are working the way they should. Yeah. Come on in for ashwagandha. We go, we’ll call Jackie up boys. [inaudible]

Erica Burman:
That’s right. That’s commercial. [inaudible]

Marty Burman:
Sorry about that everybody. The a, but testosterone is, yeah, look, guys, let me spouting. I’m 51 years old and, and you know, you need it, it’s shaded. You know, a lot of times you’re dealing with lower testosterone cause the stress, you know the, again, it has such an effect everywhere in our bodies that, you know, we wanna we want to get rid of that stuff. Let’s get rid of the bed and keep the good, you know it sounds like it, it has such a great amount of promise. And it’s funny because you guys probably don’t know this, but Anne Marie, my wife, she actually did some work for us in 2014 with a company called mega food. Mega food was working with dr Andrew Weil, who is a, actually a native of Philadelphia, but he was also in medical doctor educated at Harvard, a very intelligent guy, and very into natural medicine.

Marty Burman:
One of the things that he mentioned in 2014 was that to be a happier, healthier person, one must take ashwagandha. So MegaFood put a lot of ashwagandha into their formulas and they still have a lot of it today in their formulas. But these new studies have really even strengthened that fact, strengthen that. So that’s why, you know, not all, just like every other herb, not all herbs are created the same. So there’s an active constituent in ashwagandha it’s called with analytes that’s at three times zero fat with the, with analytes. That’s what’s gonna have the effect overall. Ne, they believe there’s some other synergistic constituents that help with that, but you want to make sure you’re getting a standardized version. That’s why, you know, we, we kinda preach on the KSM 66 version of it. It’s the most clinically studied. You know, what you’re getting every time, you know, where with other natural products, there’s variables that come into play, you know, weather conditions, growing conditions.

Marty Burman:
How was the drying out process? This is, you’re getting the same dose every single time, just like a pharmaceutical medication except it’s coming from a natural place. Yeah, and I just wanted to tell everybody about the, the deal that we have right now on ashwagandha and does, I go into my salesman mood here, but here is the honest to God’s truth. I feel so strongly about the effectiveness of this product that I just want you to come in. If you’re taking CBD, if you’re taking other nutrients, just come in, try it for 30 days. If you don’t feel better, bring it back. I’ll give you your cash back. You have absolutely nothing to lose by trying this incredibly effective product, which we see in the future, possibly being in our food sources, like in cereals and in drinks. It’s that, it’s that fantastic. So 30 days money-back guarantee come in as me, Ted, Nicole, Samantha, Erica, whoever’s here at the store, we will give you the education that you need. Does that sound fair, Erica? That sounds like a good deal for people. Want to try it? Yeah, absolutely. I think everybody, you know, the, the better deal is not getting your money back. It’s feeling bad. Right. You know, so,

Erica Burman:
Yeah. So one of the other supplements that I had asked Marty too to include and tonight’s subjects as B12 just been hearing a lot about it. It’s, you know, for good, for energy. Now I was recently out in California working and I needed some energy and a jet lag and I just started to pick it up out there and I started taking it. I was like, wow, this is what Ted was, was talking about. I felt energized. I mean, I don’t know, like it was placebo or just like being busy, but I, I definitely felt like,

Marty Burman:
Yeah, I definitely, you’re going to notice a difference if, especially if you’re deficient in B12, which a lot of people are. And here’s something that a lot of people don’t know. [inaudible] Your, your father does Erika, cause he’s a pharmacist. The main, one of the main reasons that we’re deficient in B12 in America not your case, but it’s because of prescription medication. Prescription medications actually deplete your body of, of vitamin B12 and it studied. So a lot of times you know doctors should, if you’re on certain different medications, take a look at those studies and give you a supplemental B12. It also, it also depletes other things like B two and foliate and some other things. That’s why a lot of them out of these

Ted Matthews:
Celebrities, you know, when they’re, when they have to perform every night and when they’re, you know, they’re feeling under the weather, they go in, they, you know, they, they have the doctor hookups, but they’ll get the B12 injections, you know, and, and yeah, boosts them right up. So there’s different forms of B12, but we have the closest thing to the injectable. It’s sublingual, it’s a methylated B12 so it’s the most bioactive form of B12. It’s a lot different than the regular B12 that you’re getting for, you know, six bucks at CVS or, you know, there’s, again, it goes back to there’s different variations of this stuff and unfortunately a lot of companies take advantage of the popularity of a name. Same thing we’re doing, we’re seeing a ton of, with CVD, you can get a CBD very cheap, very ineffective, but it’s you, I guess it’s still

Marty Burman:
Considered CBD. It’s like a, it’s like a Philemon Yon versa, regular piece of crap. Meat. Flank steak. Yeah. You know, Wayne groin steak. Yeah. That nice gray, that gray looking to seek that you got for six bucks. Yep. You got to dress that brother up, that’s for sure. A warm, Hey, what’s best? Can’t go wrong with a one on a one. Hey, listen B12 comes in a couple of different forms like Ted was referring to my father. Harvey Burman told me 30 years that Cyanna Caballo means which is B12 the chemical version or chemical name of B12 can not be digested or actually it just doesn’t work. If you swallow it, stomach acid actually destroys the effectiveness of B12. Now you may get some results, but not the full research results. The liquid goes right under your tongue. It gets into the sublingual vein guts right into the bloodstream and it works very well. We also have little sublingual dots, little loss injures that you can put onto your tone. But I did tell people, you know, when they’re taking a B complex, even though there is cyanic Kabbalah mean in there, you want to make sure that you’re taking an additional one, especially if you are on a lot of medications. If you are on medications and not taking B12, you are robbing yourself of a vital nutrient that plays a role in your nervous system.

Erica Burman:
Ted, I have a question. So I XY cam, have you heard her that it’s like a homeopathic, like cold and flu thing, like an allergy medicine? Well, I think it’s every you like take it before when you feel the first symptoms of being sick. I know I’ve seen it before. I’m not super familiar with it. Yeah, I was just curious if, if you knew anything about it. I, I had the jet lag homeopathic com stuff from the conference that we went to in Baltimore and it, it was cool. I mean, I don’t know. I mean w we’ve got homeopathic stuff here, right? Yeah. Yeah. Cool. What is, why do you get jet lag? It’s like dehydration. I know a lot of times when people fly they get like inflamed and it can cause you’re sitting in the same position for a while and like my legs, dehydration. Yeah. And then you must drink a lack of sleep things. Yeah. Traveling, in general, is just exhausting. Yeah. But it was neat cause they had like created a stack of the different I don’t know what they’re called, the different homeopathy.

Marty Burman:
Yeah. Homeopathy is based on the law of similars. That’s what they call it. John Bornemann, who basically was one of the founders of Honamin hospital here in Philadelphia was the father and pioneer of homeopathy weren’t they? And they were based out of Norwood. It’s possible. Yeah, the boarding family. Yeah. So yeah, it’s pretty amazing. So this stuff actually was, was developed here for, in France. Homeopathy is just an unbelievably popular, but basically what it is, is, and I have been telling people for years, it’s basically a flu shot. It puts the thing that would actually give you, let’s say you wanted muscle cramps. They, they put the actual element, the animal or plant element in the homeopathic product that would give you enlarge dosages. It would give you muscle cramps. But since you’re starting at Mo molecule, like minuscule amounts, parts per million in each single pellet, it’s actually building up a tolerance to those things.

Marty Burman:
It’s an amazing thing that seems to actually work. Although it’s an unbelievably complicated, yeah, I think it’s similar to a, like someone taking bee pollen to help defend against allergies. Yes. You put a little bit in your system, your body builds up its natural defenses and gets used to it. And then you know, when you’re exposed to these allergens, again, you know, you can fight it off a lot better or deal with it a lot, you know, you know, much easier way. I, I have one thing to tell people about a homeopathic. When you go into our store and you get boron or olios which is a lactose-free, arnica and homeopathic remedy that would just be picked up cause boron uses lactose. If that gives you a problem, then you can use the Alioto’s. But you never want to touch homeopathic products with your hands.

Marty Burman:
The salt and other things that are on your skin actually render the homeopathic almost useless. So you want to put it, you want to put the pelts directly under your tongue, let them dissolve. It’s tastes like sugar, but there are no side effects with homeopathy. Zero 100% completely safe. Huh. So that’s homeopathy. We can do a whole thing on homeopathy if we wanted to, but I need to learn more about it myself. Yeah, it’s difficult. Yeah. It’s not an easy deal. But there’s, I mean I got to learn how to pronounce here. If this shit a Cyclo scene, the only one that everyone knows how to pronounce Cola, Angela, every other one people come in with, what is this? They now people like a peach. Yes, yes. Orica works. We might not know how they just made it and don’t touch it with your hand.

Marty Burman:
Right. But just use, yeah. That’s funny. Cause she hasn’t tried it. You can try it. Yes, yes. Yeah. You got it. Nicole was convincing me that her Oh, it is me about her back yesterday. So I gave her one of the arnica samples that we got and she came in today and said, she’s like, Holy shit. It actually worked. It worked really well. Yeah. Yeah. It’s awesome. We have a lot of samples right now on homeopathy, but Hey, listen, we, we, we touched on a lot of things in a short time. We, we talked about homeopathy. We talked about B12 and its effectiveness. We also talked about ashwagandha and we just have enough time to really just talk about a few other things. We have over, I would say over 30 new products that we brought into the store. And we do that every fall. They are unique and they are effective. A lot of people come into our store for eczema, acne, rosacea pet rashes, herpes bug bites, and a variety of other skin conditions. And we have a new product that is made out of the, the herb time. And there are studies and also examples that we have to show you. It’s a liquid time that actually is ingested and it works unbelievably. I mean, we’re seeing scientific studies that actually show the effectiveness. Is that ingested?

Marty Burman:
I don’t know. I thought it was weird. I thought it wasn’t, that just isn’t a fucking spray. What the fuck? I don’t know. I don’t want to try this face lotion. It tastes delicious. Sorry. They accidentally kicked up shampoo. Yo. I accidentally my God talks the one time. Oh really? Yeah. Wait a second. Oh, Holy shit. Hold on a second. I think they wanted the detox mouthwash shampoo. Yeah, of course. Yeah. The yeah, the detox shampoo. And we don’t, we don’t, we didn’t have the labels on it and they came back and they said this dog taste right. I was very busy. Heck, we tried. We tried probably. Probably. So that’s how, that’s how you’d beat the drug test. You got to shampoo your tongue and shampoos. Please clean it out. Oh, I am wrong. Ladies party is applied to the skin. That sick dope. Drinky Nutri new tricky this time. Well for it will be inside out. You will die. I’m glad we got that figured out before you started giving samples.

Marty Burman:
Oh, wait a minute. That’s why the skull bones are skull contact. Who’s in control with this salad? So listen to this podcast. Oh my God, that is so funny. So yeah, timeout. It’s a great product. You’ve applied onto the skin and it’s 100% effective. So come in for a time out. The other product that we have, and this is super cool, our medical doctor got behind this product because he did 10 years of study on this particular product. Apparently the chemical Roundup is essentially it’s killing people’s nervous systems and also destroying their digestive system. So through his study he found he found out that essentially a water that is made with a soil that is 6 million years old, the solution itself can help repair your gut. Most people’s guts are damaged because Roundup’s and everything it’s in, it’s in our food sources as far as vegetables and fruits go. And you can’t get away from it. And it’s, believe it or not, it’s an antibiotic. It’s hard to believe, but this antibiotic is sprayed onto, onto fruits and vegetables and it, right. Yeah. I actually, I’ve actually,

Ted Matthews:
I’ve been seeing the commercials for lawyers that are coming out now. You know, if you, if you [inaudible]

Erica Burman:
It’s called glyphosate.

Ted Matthews:
Yeah. So that’s correct. Some MegaFood actually has they have a, I think it’s called a detox free play or detox program or whatever it’s called, but they vowed to never use any farming from there cause they’re a whole food vitamin that’s ever been sprayed. They’ll never use any soil that’s ever been touched with Roundup.

Erica Burman:
So if anyone out there has Roundup in their garage, figure out for the Pennsylvania resources council, they can tell you what to do with it. Get it away from your house and please check out the devil we know is an amazing documentary. It will blow your mind about the chemical industry.

Ted Matthews:
It’s crazy. A lot of this stuff gets pushed to market and it’s deemed safe. But then you’re, you know, years later we find out that it’s, that it’s not, and you know, that’s where these chemicals can really mess with us. You know, we try to use things that have been around forever. You know, if you, if you can use natural products to take care of your health and your, your body.

Marty Burman:
But at any rate, the Roundup situation is, is a, is a disaster. This product, this ion gut health liquid. I’ve been using it. And the one last thing I’m going to say about it is, and we can educate you when you come in about it cause we’re, we are just even learning and you know a little bit more about it every day is that about 80% of our serotonin and dopamine levels actually exists in our gut. So if our gut is demolished and destroyed by chemicals and all these different things, then it actually leads to depression. So this product has been shown in clinical studies to help us repair our gut and it actually helps us out with our mood and it helps us out with a rise and serotonin levels. So it’s something to think about. I want to go through a couple of things with our listeners out there.

Marty Burman:
Very important. We’ve got, we’ve got some great things going on in November, November 1st and second. Bob Backlund the world wrestling Federation champion for over six years. We’ll be here at Burman’s Health Shop, signing autographs talking about his autobiography. His book will be on sale here as well. And also we have a promotion. If you come out to the event, we’re going to give you Backlund bucks, Burman Backlund bucks, $25, and you can use that toward anything in the store as long as you spend over 50. So it’s like basically like a 50% deal. But we’re doing this because Bob lives a healthy life. He’s an ex-professional wrestler, WWE Hall of Famer, and he lives every day to really energize people. Educate them on good living and principles that will actually help you become a more successful and happier person.

Marty Burman:
So Bob’s going to be here on November 1st, which is a Friday from 3:00 PM to 8:00 PM here at the store. And then the next day he’s staying overnight in Philly. So the next day, November 2nd, he’ll be here from 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM and if you do need more information, visit us on Facebook. On November 8th, Fox 29 we’ll be doing a local broadcast on CBD and the CBD revolution, bourbon’s health shop will be featured in this two-minute segment, which will appear Friday, November 8th, directly after WWE SmackDown Burman’s was chosen to be the expert. Simply because in all honesty, we know what we’re talking about. We’ve been in the game longer than anybody. We are pioneers and CBD. We ever owned farms, so definitely tune into that black Friday we have our annual sweatshirt giver giveaway. So we have an annual sweatshirt giveaway. The sweatshirt is a CBD sweatshirt. It’s a, it’s a hoodie.

Marty Burman:
The 29th. Okay. So the 29th is black Friday. That day we do a free hoodie giveaway, a CBD hoodie, and Holy smokes. Yeah, hoodie. Yeah, the CBD hoodie is really cool and it’s got little pockets in front of it. It’s black. Yeah. It’s white on black. Yeah, it’s so, it’s so sweet. And you know, they’re, these hoodies are about $40. So if you come in and you spend over a hundred dollars, you get a free hoodie and everybody loved it last year. So those are some of the things that are going on in our store. We always have things going on. Ted, any last words, Erica? No. Just come in and you guys try this. We’re going to come in and talk to me. I’ll show you guys what you need and we’ll go over what you’re looking to take care of and I’ll help you pick out the right product. We’ll get you hooked up. We love our customers. We love you guys. Thanks for tuning in. Follow our podcast page on iTunes. Give us a review online. We love hearing from you. You guys rock and you are what makes this whole thing happen. Thank you.

Marty Burman:
The content on Rising Core is for entertainment and educational purposes only. Please check with your medical professional. Please check with your medicine man to make sure that we aren’t fucking you up bad.

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