CBD Products to Combat Joint Pain

CBD Products to Combat Joint Pain

CBD Products to Combat Joint Pain

Are you dealing with joint pain? Want to relive your pain without a prescription? Burman’s Health Shop carries a wide selection of high-quality CBD products that can help you maintain an active lifestyle with less pain. 

Our products are all third-party lab-tested for quality and potency. Burman’s own EndoCure line includes CBD oils, capsules, creams, sleep aids, immune system support products, and much more. 

Let’s cover a few of those products! 

EndoCure CBD Pain Salves 

These pain salves are full-spectrum CBD pain salves with active cannabinoids, processed from Colorado-grown, all-natural hemp. EndoCure CBD salves come in two strengths: 500mg and 1,000mg. 

The pain salves absorb through the skin’s surface to interact with nearby cannabinoid receptors and relieve pain. They are especially beneficial for one or two areas of joint pain, sore muscles, and even overall stress. For full effect, wait 20 minutes after application—the CBD doesn’t cross the blood brain barrier. 

EndoCure CBD Oils 

CBD can be incredibly beneficial for joint pain. Burman’s EndoCure CBD oils are full-spectrum and CO2-extracted from Colorado-grown hemp. They also contain less than 0.03 percent THC, and like all our products, they are third-party lab-tested for any residual solvents, pesticide residue, microbiological contaminants, and potency. 

EndoCure CBD oils can effectively reduce joint pain, stress and anxiety, and balance the body. Once your endocannabinoid system is activated after taking CBD oil, it will zero in on areas of the body that need balancing. For example, if you’re experiencing joint pain in your knees, the CBD oil will target that area. 

EndoCure CBD Delta-8-THC Oils 

Want to feel relaxed and free of joint pain? Try our EndoCure CBD Delta-8-THC oils! Delta-8-THC is extracted from the same plant as CBD, so you get the medicinal benefits and the psychoactive effects at the same time. 

Since it’s an oil, the CBD Delta-8-THC will fully absorb in the system, and you’ll notice the effects faster than with a capsule. It’s an ideal product if you’re looking for a quick fix. Even those looking mainly for pain relief enjoy the psychoactive effects. 

EndoCure CBD Capsules

If you’re like many people, you prefer a specific type of supplement, whether it’s in the form of a capsule, powder, or oil. And it’s very likely Burman’s has it! 

EndoCure CBD capsules are fast-acting and come in three strengths: 5mg, 10mg, and 20mg. Concentrated oils, powders, or other concentrated forms of CBD are sealed inside the capsules. The capsules themselves are also plant-based and made with vegetable starches. CBD in capsule form is also ideal when you want to make sure you’re accurately dosing each day. 

The only drawback is that capsules take a little longer to absorb in the system. Effects generally take place in 30-90 minutes. Nonetheless, they are extremely beneficial for any joint or body pain. And because they are time-release capsules, the CBD will actually release two times in your system throughout the day. 

Unlike CBD pain salves, CBD capsules work from the inside out and cross the blood brain barrier. Anyone dealing with joint pain or general body pain in multiple areas of the body will appreciate the pain relief! 

Looking for the right type of joint pain relief? Stop by Burman’s Health Shop and check out all the different types of CBD and Delta-8 we carry. 

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