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Episode 3: Health Goals and Personal Motivation



Professor Ted, Medicine Man Marty and Erica discuss health goals, motivation tips and natural supplements that can help support us along the way.  Ted shares his wisdom and antidotes for staying on target and feeling your best.

The work is worth the reward! Burmans Health Shop has got your back!

Podcast (Audio Version)


Marty Burman:
Welcome to Rising Core powered by Burman’s Health Shop.

Marty Burman:
Hey everybody. It’s Marty Burman along with the professor Ted Matthews and my niece Erica Burman. And we are here to welcome you again to Rising Core, which is our syndicated podcast here at Burman’s Health Shop. We appreciate you listening and we hope to cover all the aspects of health and nutrition and supplements and nutritional products that we can actually educate you on to the best of our ability to know. We’re going to be talking about goal setting and how to achieve your goals and how it pertains to health and your wellness might also teach you guys how to kill a fly. I don’t know. It’s may come out tonight. Yeah. There’s this for our listeners that can’t see this, there is a nasty little fly that will not stop bothering us. And as frustrating I can’t imagine anything more frustrating Ted can you? This is literally like this smallest insect in the world.

Marty Burman:
Like one of them biggest pain in the ass and the lowest on the food chain. Yeah. Unbelievable. Know about setting goals. Your goal, my goal is to kill this slide, somehow, track it down. So what I’m going to do is instead of just killing this fly, I’m going to joy. You’re going to create a plan of action. And that’s what you want to do with all you have your goals in life. So we were just discussing how sometimes you know, our goals that we set are you, you know, you want to shoot for the stars. But if you think about that end goal, it might sound too big or too scary. And you know, if you’re not breaking it down into smaller chunks it can be discouraging. It can kinda, it can take you out of your zone and then you can feel anxious, you can feel stressed, you can feel even depression or inadequate.

Marty Burman:
You know, and these can be any good, any type of goals, health goals, fitness goals, weight management or you know, business. Which I think we can all relate to a little bit. You know, and I think that’s kind of the goal here is to set smaller goals. More obtainable goals. And, you know, break it down into easier to digest pieces. Yeah. It’s I just want to share a story that happened this weekend and it actually started two weeks ago when Ted sent me an email that had to do with success and how you break down success. So what I did was I wrote a, wrote a speech,

Marty Burman:
I was the team parent this year for my son’s baseball team in college subs granting university. So I figured, you know, this would be a good time to, to let them know and how, how strong and how powerful this passage was. There was about 90 people in attendance and up until the last minute I was thinking, maybe I shouldn’t do this. Really? Yeah. Because I was just like, maybe this is too wordy. Maybe this is too corny to do, but, and, but I thought about it and I, you know, I think I’m relatively successful and, and the things that I’ve accomplished in life at 50, so I said, you know what, they, they need to hear this. So, and everybody liked it. But really what it came down to is the, is the, I don’t know if it’s a parable or whatever you want to call a bit.

Marty Burman:
Basically it’s about one of the greatest tools that was ever developed, which is an ax. But the acts, which is basically success, doesn’t just miraculously do its job and doesn’t achieve its goals. I mean, you have to swing the ax, you have to have patience when the tree is cut so that it, it falls down. But gravity has to take it. You have to sharpen the ax. So it really comes down to effort, consistency, perseverance, and patience and self awareness and developing your skills in life. And that’s was my message to them. And I think that’s the way we have to approach all of our goals. It’s easier to talk about than it is to actually do it, but it is labor intensive. It is labor intensive, just like successes. So I’ve memorized the whole thing and I, I appreciate you sharing. Yeah. And then when I, when I read that, you know, I definitely thought you would appreciate it.

Erica Burman:
And, and the, and the, you know, the the moral of it was, you know when you swing your acts, you know, you, you got to hit the same Mark over and over again. If he, if he swing wildly, you know, you’re not going to have much success knocking that tree down. So just like your goals, you’ve got to pick a goal, you got to set that goal and you got to keep hitting your Mark over and over and over again. And if you don’t, you know, you’re just going to have a bunch of half notches in your tree of success. Rather than actually knocking it down and moving onto the next one. And I, I, I thought you would appreciate it when I read it and yeah, if, if anybody needs that, they can call me at the store 610-874-8418 or email me at Marty at Burman’s Health Shop.com because it is, it is a great thing to print out and just put, yeah, no, it’s definitely, it definitely like gets you hyped up and it kind of makes you think like it’s going to look at and your mirror and something that’s so simple, but it makes so much sense on so many levels.

Erica Burman:
Like I think the most find out about a lot of things. It’s like, yeah, you make it harder and more difficult than, yeah. I think that as human beings, I think that’s kind of what we do. We meet all of our complicated, yeah, exactly. We blow things up out of proportion and you know, we, Oh yeah, here, you know, back in the day these, these guys, that’s all they wanted to do is, you know, knock a tree down and make a fire hunting animal. You know, it was basically survival and they used what was, you know, what they had at the, at their disposal and their fingertips. And now we are, we’re living in a time that it’s almost overwhelming with how many options that we have. You know, you can, there’s so many different ways to approach every goal in life. So that’s what I think is like the difference, like mental endurance and physical endurance.

Erica Burman:
And I think that we’re maybe less challenged with the physical endurance of survival needs, you know? And, and that’s why I think it’s a great analogy in a way. Yeah, no. And then, you know, in a way it’s, yeah, we might not be, you know, most of us are blessed that we have a roof over our heads and food in our stomach and we don’t have to go out and hunt and fish just to eat. But, you know, in other areas of light, you know, the, it’s much more complicated and, you know, success to them was surviving. To us. It’s, you know, thriving now we want, you know, everybody wants bigger and better, and that’s okay. You know, it’s, it’s alright to have your goals and wonder. But at the same time, I think it’s nice to be humbled and just get back to the basics of things.

Erica Burman:
And that’s so, so speaking of like health goals, the reason why, you know, we were talking about this topic today is because, you know, we’re getting close to this summer. I feel like it’s a time of year where people are like, all right, it’s spring cleaning or, you know, I have these goals for myself and so health or weight loss or fitness goals and, you know, I feel like a lot of people are looking at them now and, and you know, like what kind of you know, requests are you getting in the store? Like people coming in and, and trying to, to hit certain goals. You know, like Erica, my biggest thing is getting started. I mean, I have so much, everybody’s got so much on their plate, so many things to do and we usually put ourselves last when, when you’re so busy with work and kids, things that, my biggest thing Ted is, is getting started. And like what do you do about that? How do you, how do you find the motivation to make yourself first every day? Cause that’s, that’s one of my issues, you know. I guess it depends on how you look at it. You know, it depends on how bad you want it, but at the same time, if you don’t

Marty Burman:
Find time to make yourself first, how are you going to be there to find time for your children? How are you going to be there to take care of the people that need you around, you know? I, I guess in, in some respects we have to be selfish in some, you know, in some ways to, to help our loved ones and to be there for them. But absolutely, it’s hard to get started with everything. You know, that’s people’s biggest, I’ll tell you, everyone that I see that has a weight loss goal or a fitness goal, health goal, whatever, it’s getting started as the biggest challenge. But one state, the second they start to see the fruits of their labor start to come to come to life. Once they start to see that scale moving in the right direction or they start to feel their energy improve, that’s what fuels them from that point on.

Marty Burman:
They become addicted. It’s just getting to that point cause it seems so far away and that’s kinda, you know, if you have to live, lose, lose a hundred pounds, that’s, you’re not going to lose a hundred pounds by next week. So you have to set those smaller goals. And I think that’s what we were kind of saying earlier. Yeah. You gotta shoot for five pounds at a time, two pounds at a time, one, whatever, whatever you have to do. You know, it can be as simple as something as like cutting out sugars or white breads or you know sodas even, you know, bust that down into those smaller goals and swing your ax and hit your Mark every day. And consistency is what is going to get you to where you need to be and writing things down. Is that brilliant? No, that’s something that I need to start doing a little bit more of.

Erica Burman:
Keeping track of, you know, yeah,

Marty Burman:
Absolutely proven that people that write down their goals have better success at reaching those goals. And it’s gotta be on paper. It does a course on this and believe it or not, the mind body to hand to paper is, is a, is a contract with yourself.

Erica Burman:
[Inaudible] It almost holds you accountable. If it’s in your head, nobody else knows about it. Can’t be tight. It can’t be typed. It can’t be texted. It has to be with the hand. That’s why I do like some really weird shits. [inaudible] Careful air CBD and think that’s why people don’t write it down. Second, I think people think some really weird shit so they don’t want to write it down cause they’re like, Holy shit. [inaudible] That’s what I think. That’s okay. Just Louise, you don’t use that word right. But if you write your goals down, well what I’m saying is, is that if the intent, if the intent is to change, yeah then and the intent is to succeed. It has to be written. And all the other stuff you can write down and it gets it out of your head. I think that’s important. Yeah. What started as

Marty Burman:
Certain fitness goals for me ended up becoming not even about the fitness anymore. I mean it is, it is, but it’s also it kinda teaches you that what you have. I have to be disciplined every day. I have to eat the same foods. I have to, you know, every night when I get done here, I go to the gym. A lot of you guys see me down there. But it’s also like a therapy for me. I go there, it’s my quiet time, like think about things. I, you know, I, I, it’s, it, it’s become a routine. And if I break that routine, I, I don’t feel like, I don’t know, I feel off. And I, and I like having routine. I like being organized. I’m not organized in a lot of areas that I should be. But that is one thing I have control over and it has shown me that like, you have to put in work to get reward.

Marty Burman:
So, you know, like what’s might start as somebody’s goal to lose 10 pounds for a wedding. The fact that they might have to cut out soda, cut out sugar walk a couple times a week, that just the fact that they can do that I think creates a mental toughness in them and makes them feel, sometimes it teaches you something about yourself that you may not have known. So it can become more than just fitness or just, you know, fitting in a dress or, you know, whatever. And I think you can apply it to other aspects of your life. It’s just going back to what Marty said, it’s, it’s tough to get started. It really is. It’s, it’s taken you out of your comfort zone, which nobody, everybody wants to be comfortable. And I think, you know, I think that’s something important that we should all do. We should all be uncomfortable at some point. We, we should put ourselves in uncomfortable situations.

Erica Burman:
Vulnerability. Yeah. Yeah. What’s her name? The I just saw her the other day, bro. She’s a speaker and she’s deals with shame and she deals with a bunch of other things. But she, her whole thing was about courage. The only way to be courageous is to actually subject yourself to vulnerability and feel alive and know that’s what that’s true in yourself. In those uncomfortable have trouble

Marty Burman:
Situations. Like, you know, going on a roller coaster, like that’s a thrill for some people. Scares the shit out of me. But it’s a thrill. So it makes you feel alive but cause it’s, it’s taken you out of your comfort zone. Right? Just like public speaking is for some people or you know, whatever, you know, no matter what it is, just talking some people, you know, talking to their or their significant other, like getting those weird things in your head, out on the paper, whatever. It makes you feel uncomfortable. But that’s also at the same time, what makes you feel alive? It’s what makes us humans.

Erica Burman:
So we get a lot of people coming into asking about nutritional stuff.

Marty Burman:
Well, mints, herbs

Erica Burman:
Even, you know, there’s some new things on the market that you’ve brought onto the shelves that a lot of a lot of health food stores don’t even have, cause you’re on the cutting edge. And maybe you can talk a little bit about supplements and, Oh, sorry. Also, you may want to talk about alkaline alkaline water and how alkaline water can play alkaline water. Tell us a little bit about that. Tell us about the customers that come in for it. I mean, we wouldn’t know everything about pH. Alkaline water. Yeah. So advocate

Marty Burman:
It’s of alkaline water. Believe that it can help basically cure everything. There’s no disease that can live within your body of, if your body’s in a more alkaline S [inaudible] alkaline state [inaudible] is shit then can you get there with just drinking water? Probably not. Is it, you know, isn’t an added tool in your, in your tool chest? Yeah, sure. Eating more vegetables, getting you know, taking certain supplements, colon cleanses, things like that. They can also help you be more alkaline so you can when you come in for your alkaline water [inaudible] I’ll give you some other tips and tricks to, you know, cause that is, that is pretty big right now. It really is.

Erica Burman:
Yeah. What alkaline movement. Yeah. Yeah. All jokes aside. So what’s going to give me energy and get me motivated in here?

Marty Burman:
Yeah, there’s a lot of things that haven’t right now. We just got a product called Kush rush that has some stimulants, but with those stimulants, it also has a special form of GABAA that can help kinda take the edge off of that jittery feeling. So you want to have your energy, but you want to be able to focus it somewhere. Right. You don’t want to just feel like you’re tweaked out, sitting sitting around, you know, and just bugging me.

Erica Burman:
Yeah. Yeah. That’s not a good feeling. Yeah. Bla amino butyric acid. That’s right. Yeah. Like somebody asks you a question, you’re like, fuck, I know that. So, yeah.

Marty Burman:
And you know what? I can’t, I actually, I don’t, I’m not a big fan of stimulants. I actually I liked them. If I have somewhere to focus my energy, if I don’t like a, I dunno, it has the opposite effect on me. It actually makes me just like, I don’t know, not want to get up and do stuff. It’s really weird. I dunno

Erica Burman:
Like stimulants as in like, like pharmaceutical. Yeah. It’s like when I smoke meth, I don’t get anything done. Kinda just sit around. There is, you’ve got to stop myself. I don’t know those people clean the house. No. Yeah, no. The just the got alternatives for this lady. Yeah. Gentlemen. Well, I was telling Ted earlier, I took garbage, garbage, garbage. Chow. You have a be anxiety, depression.

Marty Burman:
Cool. CBD, endocure. Yeah, baby.

Erica Burman:
We got it. Sorry, what did I what did I just did I say okay, it’s done. No, when I was telling Ted, when I came in here, I took the, I had no cure fuel today. I was like, I feel like it gives me a lot of energy today. I don’t know if it was placebo or not, but I don’t know.

Marty Burman:
Yeah, no. Some of them is some of the ingredients in these products, they’re, you know, you tropics or something, right? Yeah. The nootropics, they’re, they’re clinically validated and proven. I’ll tell you, the biggest problem with supplements is people don’t take enough of them, believe it or not, when they look at a capsule or a bottle, let’s say ashwagandha, that’s big right now. We might have a 500 milligram capsule of ashwagandha and on that bottle it may say take one capsule once daily. When I take ashwagandha, I take thousand and 1500 milligrams at a time to actually get to an effective dose. I feel like people are under dosing their their supplements. There’s a there’s a really good website. You can look up. It’s pub med.com. It’s P-U-B-M-E-D.com. And you can type in any supplement and it’ll bring up the unbiased clinical doses universities of medicine that have ran tests on some of these products.

Marty Burman:
Some of them, you know, they don’t have much much studies behind it. You know, it’s more anecdotal evidence, but some of the stuff has actually been validated by real research. You know, in studies that have been done where like, you know, they have a, I guess what are the, what are they called? Controlled studies where they have like some people take the supplement. CBO controlled studies. Yeah. So they’ll have some people take a placebo or a sugar pill. Some people take the year, the herb or then the supplement and nobody knows what, who’s getting what the double studies that’s there in one. Yeah. And NOLA, you know, when some of this stuff is absolutely proven. Yeah. It’s just, you know, it’s like any other medicine. If you go to your doctor, he might start you on a prescription for, I don’t know, let’s see.

Marty Burman:
You’re on Percocet five milligrams and might not touch your pain. You might have to go up to thirties you know, you might have to go up to taking 30 milligrams three times a day. Somebody that has pain that severe might think five milligrams is worthless. Just like somebody taking somebody that has anxiety, that takes one 500 milligram capsule of ashwagandha and they’re going to feel it. They’re not gonna feel it. So that’s why it’s like similar in a way of like the dosage is, you know, that’s why it’s important to come into like come into stores like ours, you know, where we can kind of guide you along and rather than just, you know, just randomly following the very conservative doses on most of the bottles. Some of them are accurate, but for, you know, certain herbals, I honestly, I feel like they’re under dose.

Erica Burman:
Yeah. I mean, herbs generally are sorta like medication, but they’re on such a different level. I mean, we’re talking about micro micronutrients of certain cofactors and phytochemicals that are active in the body. When you take a prescription, you’re talking about something super, super strong, right? And it’s, and it’s biochemically changing things in your body within hours, possibly even minutes. So herbs in general need to be taken in a, at a higher dose. Because we’re talking about a plant, we’re talking about a plant food, we’re talking about plant medicine. It’s not like a super concentrated form of, you know, the, the active ingredient in ashwagandha or [inaudible] yeah, whatever. [inaudible] Acid. Yes, exactly. And that’s exactly what I was going to say is like the, the active compound or constituent of that herb, you might take in 500 milligrams of the plant, but you might only be getting 10% of the active ingredient.

Erica Burman:
Yeah. Sometimes you get it. I don’t know. I’m a Guinea pig man. I like to take it until I feel it. And then you got to experiment. I think we’re all different. We’re all unique. We all have different needs. Obviously, you know, you don’t want to just randomly just start throwing things down the hatch, but you know, that’s again why you can come in here. We can talk. And the one cool thing about Shopping here, and quite honestly, other health food stores that have been around for a long time that are, that are owned by mom and pops is that we do have the experience and we get the feedback that we need. So we know what works, right. I mean we actually know what people keep coming back for time and time again and they wouldn’t be coming back. [inaudible]

Marty Burman:
They didn’t think it was going to be giving them some type of benefit. It’s, yeah. Any, anytime anybody comes in that has something, all right, you know what, I’m taking CBD for my IBS. I always ask them, all right, keep me posted. Let me know how you make out with this. That way if they come back and say, yo, this is great, I’ll ask him all right, what dosage, what frequency? That way the next person that comes in with the IBS, I can tell them, look, we’ve had somebody that took it at the, at these dosages, this can S you know, this frequency, you know, and maybe different for you, but we can start to see a pattern develop. Sometimes we’re ahead of the science. They might not have even done studies on certain things, but because we have so many people that come in, we can start to collect this data and start to put together a pattern of benefit and starts, you know, make recommendations based off of real world experience.

Erica Burman:
And, and it all really starts with a quality premium product because if we’re buying bad stuff, sure it comes from China and other places in outsourcing in different countries that, that don’t regulate these things, then we’re not doing anybody any good. But that’s not happening here. Permits. Okay. I wanna just interject. I know Eric has got a question, but what I like to do is here at the store, I think five supplements, five supplements are manageable. Five. I’ve always said that if you can count it on one hand it’s manageable. Five. So five is manageable. What are the top five supplements that somebody can take for getting on a weight loss program and overall wellness in your opinion? Ted. Five supplements that you’ve got to take every day of your life for better health. Oh, Jesus. I got an idea but I want to see what your opinion is cause we can, we can, we can, people can learn about this, but the number one or two would be the weight loss kickoff and then some other supplementing.

Erica Burman:
By the way, when you ask someone a question, like, is it really, you’re trying to test their expertise at a doctor telling me that one time. Wow. I would never ask that discount code. [inaudible] You trying to big pimp gang. I ever heard of that. All right. Two things. I always see people, and this isn’t the weight loss portion, but it would have a, an effect on it if you were deficient in these magnesium and vitamin D, everybody needs it. We’re all deficient in it. 99% of us are deficient in magnesium and vitamin D. Do we take that separately? Magnesium D or do we take the formulas

Marty Burman:
That have mag and D in it? What is your opinion? I would actually love that. I would actually do them separate. Again, to get those effective dosage. Now, if you’ve taken them a good multivitamin, you know that that can, that can change things a little bit. So if you’re taking a good multi that’s kinda like your insurance plan for your health. What type of magnesium? Ted? I’ve, I’ve been a fond to them. There’s different forums. Yeah, I’ve been, I like magnesium glycinate. I agree. And I do the bulk amino acid [inaudible] forms of magnesium. Yeah. And I do believe it has an easier time crossing the blood brain barrier. Magnesiums I think I want to say responsible for like 300 functions in the human body. Wow. hard to get in our diet. Yes. And we’re, you know, Brazil nuts even even now, miners,

Ted Matthews: You like hurry sickness. You’re like fit in this nut email. All right, my nuts. Marty’s magnets. Sorry. This is the odd edited version, I guess. I don’t ever think Marty’s Megan’s even nuts. That’s going to be the next email you guys will see. So it would sell, it would sell no questions. I don’t know if anyone remembers the, the email that you sent out is of you wanted fermented monkey knuckles. Yeah, I put, I put all these diseases.

Erica Burman:
I really, yeah, all these diseases like, well Ted and I said we’re going to inject a coat in checked energetic code and do this. So for all the listeners that are tuning in, like by the end, well maybe it’s the acts on the tree or something for 20%. Okay. So we’ve got magnesium, we’ve got vitamin D three. I fantastic. I had a great conversation with my sons heads head coach of their baseball program at friends central, his wife who is like a macro biotic and she, she is really big on, on magnesium. But yes. So some magnesium, vitamin D and then a good multi Omni and yeah, domain three.

Marty Burman:
Yeah, I w I would, I would definitely say a good multivitamin just for the, you know, just to make sure you’re getting a little bit of everything that your body needs. And you can’t look for anybody that thinks that you can go and to end it, this is not to knock any big box retail stores, but just go on Google and just type in, you know, some, some of the big chain stores that you have type in Walmart, target, CVS, and then type vitamins after it. There was a big article that was done by a, I

Erica Burman:
Think it was the New York post Washington post to anyway they went into these stores, they purchased random supplements, six from each store and they went back and they tested them. And I mean they found everything from ground up house plants to absolutely no active ingredients mine. So even some of the bigger companies that you might see in a smaller store sitting on the Walmart show there, those are the watered down versions of the originals. Can I tell everybody that I used to do speeches about Centrum? Centrum is one of the worst formulated and malfunctioned vitamin ever created, early FD and C, yellow number five, FD and C, blue Lake number two. These are shellacs that they put on to the outside coding so it lasts longer. Polyethylene glycol, wow. Tau. These are things that aren’t, they’re not needed, but they’re in there. And that’s why you need to come in for a natural vitamin at a good, solid, powerful, amazing, gracious, full of passion health food store. Like Burman’s Health Shop right here in Brookhaven because we have the knowledge and the power and the strength to help you every single day. We’re not fly by nights. We don’t have people here that come here and work for four months and then leave. You know our names, you know our names. You say our names, we say your names.

Ted Matthews: He killed the fly. Fucking flies dead. All right, good shit. Sorry. You know me, I got started that Sentra, he’s one of the, one of the worse. It’s daily. They’d stay dead. They put on there. I remember it. Yeah.

Erica Burman:
Put all of their, their money into the marketing and it works. You know, it seemed thing. I here with the a, the testosterone booster Nugenix, everybody comes into asking for new genetics. I looked at the formula, it’s nothing special. It’s, you know, they’re charging outrageous amounts where they just have a green marketing team. And that’s where they put most of their funds. But bottom line, he got a co, if you haven’t come to Burman’s, come on in, give us a call or good family company. One of the only ones left. We’re like dinosaurs, but we’re still standing and we’re strong and [inaudible] have any new listeners. If you haven’t tried us, you gotta try a that’s exactly right. That’s exactly right. And if I had a deli, I would say the same thing, but we don’t have a deli. We have a health food store.

Erica Burman:
That’s really terrible. Yes, no, no. We don’t want to go there full of cholesterol. And that’s against the goal. So I’m going to finish up with this and then I’m going to let Erica talk. But we got magnesium, we got vitamin D three, we got a good quality, not a vitamin, not the dreck called Centrum. That’s a Yiddish word. That means shit. Okay. So if you have Centrum in your cupboard right now, look into your cupboard. Big loaded dreck yep. If you have anything, yes you do. If you have anything remotely looking like Centrum, even a generic Centrum, please take the bottle, get a large hammer, smash it to pieces, throw it down into the garbage can. You do not need it. It’s better in the garbage than it is in your body. Okay. So we got magnesium, we got vitamin D, we got a good multivitamin. One more. How about we throw an urban there? What’s one of the most most beneficial herbs that people can take, right?

Marty Burman:
Yeah. well everyone’s liking tumeric agreed.

Erica Burman:
Yeah. Why is too, I mean, everyone’s been talking about it and I’ve heard people ask it about it in grocery stores.

Marty Burman:
It’s an Indian spice that has anti-inflammatory properties to it. So it can help with inflammation in the body. It can help with liver function and liver bile. There is actually some studies that suggest that tumeric can interact with vitamin D receptors in the body. I believe that can trigger more serotonin output. So some people report taking tumeric and getting a big mood boost, but it’s from the interaction with those vitamin D receptors in the body. So I think it’s worth a shot. I do like again, you know, if you haven’t put in any of your, yeah, I love inflammation is one of the biggest issues that everybody deals with. You know, so any way you can kill that inflammation, you know, whether it’s an Omega three fish oil, CBD tumeric, take them in, you know, in fact, take them all.

Marty Burman:
Each one has their all fights, you know, the fight, the inflammation, but they’ll also provide other health benefits in your body that we all need. You know, w w before we had the option to eat whatever we wanted when we wanted, like we do now, we can, you know, if you’re craving a burger, you can go get a burger. Back in the day, you know, people had to eat what was available, what food, you know, what animals were around the hunt, what vegetation was in season. So throughout a year you might eat, he might eat such a wide variety of different foods that your body wouldn’t be deficient. And then if there was no animals around, we were eating a lot of fish. We would go to the sea and we would get a lot of fish. I myself, I don’t eat any fish and I, I know the health benefits of it.

Marty Burman:
So I take a fish oil supplement, but I don’t eat fish. They say you should, each person should eat like three servings of cold water fish per week or something. Yeah, about three grams. Yeah. Like I know I don’t eat more than, you know, I know I don’t personally eat enough of it. When I do stay strict on an Omega three supplement, my joints feel better. I just feel overall less like the 10 main and more like a human being. Like I can want to, I don’t feel as creaking, achy. And I’m sure that’s, you know, the Omega threes and, you know, the the reduction in inflammation. And for men out there, like, you know, less inflammation, the better your sex drive, your testosterone levels can, can start to to rise. You’ll light more energy and it’s a slight blood thinner so it can help provide better circulation or erections, more circulation, more blood flow, thicker, harder. Yup. You know, and that earthier now let’s talk about, yeah, female.

Marty Burman:
Yeah. Before I, I don’t know if it’s true, maybe somebody can say if I did hear if you dump a bottle of the alkaline water down your pants cure for erectile dysfunction, it’s also a spermicide. Oh my God. Love it. So it, I got one more, two more supplements. Had two supplements that somebody would need. If you had to pick two supplements to get started on a weight loss program to just get you pumping right away. What are they, what are the two biggest ones? All right. I would pair up L-carnitine with one of our stimulant fat burners. So L-carnitine, liquid capsule. I like the liquid. It’s a little bit more, I think it’s faster absorbed, but really whatever form you feel most comfortable with taking. L-Carnitine frees up deep stored fat tissue. Let your body burn it off a little bit quicker. It’s called lipolysis. It’s your body breaking down fat tissue. And then if you have a stimulate in your body that’s speeding up your metabolism, it’s going to burn off the fat even faster. So I like to pair. So L-carnitine in light burn, L-carnitine and methyl Drean. Oh, carnitine and blue ice. You’re try them all. See which one works best all out of blue Weiss too. Yeah, I have some common. Okay. Yeah, that’s called psycho side. Okay, psilocybin.

Erica Burman:
Well I know a lot about this. It’s great professor Ted noses. Yeah, you really do. Showing up show. I’m good. Erica. Whatever you want to. Well, you know, as we’re like into the end of the, I wanted to bring it, you know, full circle and I think a lot with like the goal setting is, you know, it’s a difficulty. You don’t see those results, you know, day to day. But you know, if you look in the long run, a week later, two weeks later, you’re starting to see some progress. Would you say that is similar when you’re taking supplements? I know it’s like, Oh, a lot of times people are looking for immediate gratification and

Marty Burman:
Yeah, we’re Americans. We want instant gratification. I do too. And that’s where we, you know, we have to learn that sometimes, you know, the slow and steady wins the race. You know, if it’s going to give you an immediate fast affect, one of two things is happening, it’s not going to last. Your body’s going to develop a tolerance to it and you’re going to have to take more and more to increase, you know, the, the same benefit or it’s screwing you up in other ways. You basically want your body back to, you just want to reset on everything. You want everything to function at its optimal levels. But yeah, that doesn’t happen over night. You don’t put weight on over night. You don’t damage your, you know, your adrenal glands over night. You don’t mess anything, you know, complex carbs are good. Yes, correct. I’m sorry I threw that in there. But Brown rice yams. Yeah. If you’re going to eat carbs, do the complex carbohydrates, Brown rice and sweet potatoes. But is there any, honestly, is there any use nutritionally at all for white bread or white starches? I mean, do they,

Erica Burman:
Well, there’s a drip to have all their nutritional value from what I under stand, but yeah.

Marty Burman:
Yeah. I, I, I think it’s, you know, it’s addicting. It really isn’t. Anybody who has ever tried to cut carbs out of their diet knows how addicting.

Erica Burman:
Yeah. Carbs are sugars are like, yeah, that’s a really good point. Cause it’s like bread. It’s like I haven’t, I’ve never tried cutting out bread. I don’t, I don’t really eat that much bread. But if I, you know, it’s the same as like someone cuts out something and they feel so much better. You know, I was hesitant to even start taking a vitamin. Like, you know, I just like, it didn’t put it into my schedule. Like I wasn’t like, all right, I’m going to take spirit in every morning, but I have been doing that recently and have I noticed feeling better? Yeah. It could be a multitude of just me. Like taking this initiative to be a healthier person, but it’s as simple as, you know, you can’t see the immediate effects of this, but you know that it’s good for you. Right. As much as you can see the immediate effects of removing this negative thing from your life or your diet, it’s a

Marty Burman:
Good point. That’s why I was thinking about, yeah, that’s really, that’s a really good point. No, you’re absolutely right. I do. You know, I do challenge anyone that’s listening, try to go the next two days with zero carbs, your sugar. I guarantee you are withdrawal. You will. And it’ll teach you how, how bad these things are for us. The fact that you’ll go through a withdrawal from sugars is kind of sick. You feel bad. As upsetting as I’m sitting here drinking a Dunkin donuts coffee with sugar [inaudible] in here and look, and that’s the thing I tried. I drink my coffee with sugar in it. [inaudible] I do eat, you know, I’ll have white bread. I just tried to do it moderately as, as much as I can. And, you know, the goal is just to get started, you know, eventually. I hope I can cut everything out completely. I think I’ll feel better fucking flaw. Fuck you father. That we didn’t hit that goal yet. Yeah. I just want to tell everybody out there yeah.

Erica Burman:
That I am so excited about this podcast. I know we’re new. I know we’re young, but we’re learning as we go. Eric is doing a fine job. Ted is an incredible subject of knowledge and we, we really need to tap into him more because he does truly care about everybody. And you know, of course with my experience and everything, I, we, we, we certainly can, can help people achieve their goals, but we plan on doing a a lot with, with weight loss. I’m glad Erika came up with this, this topic and the subject and we certainly, we, we certainly look forward to anybody coming in or having questions for us that we send help them. So, yeah. Yeah. And send them over anything you guys want us to talk about? Anything you guys want us to, you know, to touch on?

Erica Burman:
You know, shoot us a message in Facebook or Instagram or emails and Ted at Burman’s health Shop.com Marty at Burman’s health Shop.com. Yeah, I think a lot of people, you know, over the last three years, we’re all, we’re very well known now for our CBD product, which was a natural addition to what we were doing. But our, our roots really come from plant medicine and nutritional products, proteins, athletic performance products. You know you know, we, we do a lot here. We have teas, we’ve got different things. So we’re just not a CBD store. We’re, we’re, we’re a place that you can go for overall health and you know, I’m glad we were able to touch on some other things. And what do we got in store next, next time. Erica, any anything

Marty Burman:
To be announced. Okay. Yeah, yeah. But we got some fun topics on the dockets,

Erica Burman:
So yeah, we’re excited and thanks for tuning in. Drop us a line, let us know what you think of the show. Yeah. So if you’re listening, milk of magnesia, you mentioned that at the, at the counter, you’ll get 20% off. All right. Marty’s milk of magnesia.

Erica Burman:
I got milk for y’all. I got milk, a alkaline milk. Alkaline milk. Hey, listen, honestly, if you haven’t tried it, you gotta try it. If you haven’t tried it, you got to try it. We got the stuff. Take care of everybody.

Marty Burman:
The content on Rising Core is for entertainment and educational purposes only. Please check with your medical professional. Please check with your medicine man to make sure that we aren’t fucking you up bad.

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