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Refractory Period: What It Is & How to Reduce It

After sex, men usually have to wait a while before they are physically able to have sex again. Why is this? Is there a way to reduce this time? 

This article will answer these questions. We’ll explain what the refractory period is and some of the details surrounding it. Then, we’ll look at steps individuals can take to reduce this time. 

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What Exactly Is the Refractory Period?

For men, the refractory period is the period immediately after male orgasm and ejaculation. During this period, the penis becomes flaccid, and the desire for sex drops dramatically. In most cases, more sex is nearly impossible during this time. 

While the refractory period varies from person to person, it fits into some commonly shared characteristics across the population. These include the four periods of sexual desire. 

  • Sexual desire: This is the step that kick-starts the entire process. For some reason, sexual desire is initiated. This could be from seeing someone attractive, being in a sexual situation, or from a random thought. In any case, it typically results in an increase in heart rate and blood flow to the penis. 
  • Arousal: At this point, more of the physical effects of sexual desire initiate. Muscle tension increases, and the penis becomes erect. This will generally last until orgasm. 
  • Orgasm: This is the climax of the sexual process. With orgasm, peak arousal is achieved. 
  • Refractory period: This is the phase after orgasm and before sexual desire can begin again. The body’s functions return to normal and mental functions usually shift away from sex

What Does the Refractory Period Do?

In general, the refractory period is a natural and healthy part of the sexual cycle. It is thought to be a necessary part of this, but the science behind it isn’t quite clear. 

Some believe that the refractory period is the result of the fallout of many different sex hormones. These are heightened at earlier points in the sexual cycle and then cause a crash during the refractory period. 

However, this isn’t certain. Much about the refractory period is still unknown. 

How Long Does the Refractory Period Last? 

The refractory period is different for everyone. Some people have extremely short refractory periods, while others experience refractory periods that last hours. 

On average, though, the average time of the refractory period falls somewhere between a few minutes and a few hours. Most people fall somewhere within this period, but many still fall outside of it. 

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What Factors Change the Refractory Period Length?

The refractory period is different for everyone. Some people naturally have shorter or longer periods than others. 

However, some factors impact the length of the refractory period. Understanding these factors is the first step in addressing this period. 

  • Blood flow: Blood flow is an essential part of the sexual process. Without proper blood flow, the body cannot pump the blood the penis needs to maintain an erection. Proper blood flow comes from good cardiovascular health, which, in turn, comes from various other factors. 
  • Arousal: Interest in sex comes from many different internal and external factors. Someone who is tired or stressed will have a harder time leaving the refractory period. Meanwhile, someone who is particularly interested in the sexual situation they are in may find it easier to get back into things. 
  • Age: Finally, age is a factor. In general, younger men have shorter refractory periods. This may result from reduced testosterone in older age, which is why many men look to testosterone supplements

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How to Reduce the Refractory Period?

With this knowledge, we can start exploring ways to reduce the refractory period. These methods include staying physically healthy, staying mentally healthy, and looking into supplements and medications.

Stay Physically Healthy

One of the best ways to reduce the refractory period is to stay healthy. Cardiovascular health, specifically, plays a part in the length of the refractory period. So, maintaining good cardiovascular health is an amazing place to start. 

This comes from a combination of a good diet and regular exercise. A diet that specifically stays away from saturated fats will positively impact cardiovascular health. Meanwhile, regular cardio exercises help too. These can be anything from a brisk run to simply taking some time each day to go for a walk. 

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Stay Mentally Healthy

The physical side of health is an easy thing to monitor and address. However, mental health is also a part of the refractory period. Things like stress and anxiety can have a large impact on the refractory period. 

This is because these things prevent someone from getting in the mood for sex and staying in the mood. While in the refractory period, if distressing thoughts or anxieties start to creep in, it becomes difficult to become aroused again. 

Luckily, these issues can be treated in many different ways. Long-term progress can be made by seeing a therapist and working out solutions. Meanwhile, other forms of progress can be made through meditation or other activities that help reduce stress. 

Some alternative medicines can help as well. For example, delta-8 THC gummies are used by many as a way to get relief from stress and anxiety. Taking these may be a solution for some people. 

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Medications and Supplements

Some common medications for sexual health may also help reduce the refractory period. These include medications you may already know about, like Viagra or Cialis. However, when taking these, it is important to work with a doctor. These medications aren’t designed to address the refractory period, so taking them for that purpose should always be done with caution. Working with a doctor to figure out a plan is the best way to do this. 

Meanwhile, plenty of male enhancement supplements also exist. These are typically natural supplements that are available without a prescription. This makes it easier to try these and figure out what works. However, once again, a doctor should be consulted to make sure these supplements don’t interfere with any health problems or other medications you are taking. 

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Reducing the Refractory Period

The refractory period will exist after orgasm, no matter what someone does to eliminate it. However, you can gain some level of control over it with the right approach. Staying healthy and taking the right supplements or medication presents a few of the possible ways to reduce this time.

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The information and content in this article are intended for informational purposes only. It should not be a substitute for professional or medical advice. You should always speak with a licensed professional before you follow anything you read online.

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