What’s the Difference Between Delta-9 and Delta-10

What’s the Difference Between Delta-9 and Delta-10?

What’s the Difference Between Delta-9 and Delta-10?

Delta-9 and Delta-10 THC are both cannabinoids. Although their molecular nature is similar, their structural makeup is slightly different. They both produce a psychoactive effect, but the quality of ‘high’ they provide is unique. 

And the good news is that we carry both products at Burman’s Health Shop! Read on to learn more about how Delta-9 and Delta-10 differ. 


Delta-9 is the traditional and most well-known form of THC. In the marijuana plant, it’s the active ingredient. The sense of euphoria many people experience with marijuana comes from the high concentration of Delta-9 THC. 


Also known as Delta 10-Tetrahydrocannabinol, Delta-10 is a newcomer in the cannabis market. Extracted from hemp, Delta-10’s psychoactive and euphoric effects are similar to those associated with traditional cannabis. According to delta8us.com, Delta-10 contains less than 0.3% Delta-9 THC.

Delta-10 has a variety of positive benefits:

  • Reducing nausea 
  • Reducing stress and anxiety 
  • Stimulating appetite 
  • Boosting mood 

Many people consider Delta-10 to be superior to Delta-9. Delta-10 has the same benefits of Delta-9. However, the effects of Delta-10 are often more ideal for those who want to maintain mental clarity throughout their day. 

Delta-9 vs. Delta-10

Differences in the Experience/Effect

In small doses, Delta-9 produces a sedative effect that makes users feel more relaxed. When consumed in higher doses, it can have a stimulating effect. 

Delta-10, on the other hand, is more of a stimulant than a relaxation drug. Delta-10 users say they are more active, productive and energetic. 

The main difference is that those who consume Delta-10 don’t lose their ability to think clearly. Delta-9 has a significant effect on feelings of pleasure, thought processing, coordination, memory and perception. Users report that unlike Delta-9, which can cause anxiety, Delta-10 produces euphoria and increases focus

Differences in Product Availability 

Delta-10 is widely available, primarily because of its legal status, meaning there are no federal restrictions to its sale. Thanks to changes to the 2018 Farm Bill, 0.3 percent THC is now legal, which means you can purchase both Delta-9 and Delta-10 online, including at Burman’s Health Shop.

Differences in How It’s Extracted/Derived

Let’s get scientific for a minute! The use of nonpolar solvents is imperative to extract Delta-9 THC from a cannabis flower. In cannabis, Delta-9 exists in very high concentrations, meaning extraction is simple. 

The extraction of Delta-10, similar to Delta-8, is more complex. Due to its elusive nature, Delta-10 requires the application of high-performance liquid chromatography, which separates each component in the cannabis flower. This helps prevent misidentification. 

Delta-10 has fewer overall restrictions than Delta-9 since it is derived from hemp. At the federal level, Delta-10 is legal in the US. This isn’t the case for Delta-9—while legal in some states, it hasn’t yet been legalized at the federal level. Currently Delta-9 has Schedule 1 drug status.  


When choosing between Delta-9 and Delta-10, it comes down to your personal needs. Both cannabinoids produce similar effects, but their differences can also be quite stark. Delta-10’s legal status has increased its popularity, even though many consider Delta-9 to be the classic form of THC.

Burmans Health Shop has a variety of Delta-9 and Delta-10 products. Our natural products can help you deal with pain, anxiety, stress, and exhaustion, and help you return to a higher state of wellness. 

Shop online or stop by our store and browse our selection in person!

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