How to Get an Erection Faster and Stay Hard Longer

Erections can be complicated and fickle. One day, it is easy to get an erection and keep it for as long as you want. The next day, the same activity seems almost impossible. Because of this, many men want a solution or solutions. 

This article will explore the process of getting an erection faster and staying hard longer. It will start with the science behind erections and their antagonists, erectile dysfunction. Then, we’ll go into methods and treatments that can be used for better erections. 

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The Science Behind Erections

Most people know what an erection is. It is when blood flows to the penis and engorges it, leaving it hard and primed for sex. However, many people aren’t sure exactly how this process works. 

The process starts when the man is not aroused and, thus, the penis is flaccid. In this state, muscles surrounding the arteries that deliver blood to the penis are tight. This restricts these arteries and limits blood flow to the penis. 

Once arousal happens, a flood of signals is sent through the body from the brain. These relax these muscles, which loosen their grip on the arteries. This allows these arteries to fill with blood. As these arteries fill with blood, the penis becomes larger and harder as a response. This results in an erection. 

The Science Behind Erectile Dysfunction 

While the above explains how the process of creating an erection should take place, that isn’t always what happens. One misstep in that process can result in the lack of an erection or an erection that doesn’t last as long. This is referred to as erectile dysfunction (ED) and impacts 30 million men in the United States alone. 

The cause of ED comes from many different sources. It can relate to diet, exercise, weight, stress, or various other life factors. It can even be the result of simply being older, as older men tend to struggle with ED more often. 

Getting an Erection Faster and Staying Hard Longer

Fighting against ED is a matter of getting an erection and maintaining it. Luckily, there are many different ways to do this. 


What you eat impacts the chance of developing ED. This is because the food you eat can affect the health of your arteries, which are directly responsible for providing blood flow into the penis. 

Some studies have found that diets high in saturated fats are more likely to cause ED. Other studies suggest sticking to a Mediterranean diet, which helps avoid saturated fats and provides more healthy foods. 

Vegetable salad with brown bread in a bowl


Alongside diet, exercise has a big impact on ED. Staying active helps maintain cardiovascular health, which keeps your arteries functioning properly. 

Maintain a Healthy Weight

The effects of diet and exercise come together in weight. As such, people who are overweight or obese tend to struggle with ED more often than those who are at a healthy weight. Because of this, maintaining a healthy weight is an important part of allowing your body to create and maintain an erection. 

Looking to lose weight and get in better shape? Check out our weight loss supplements that could help make it easier!

Eliminating Problematic Substances

Unhealthy substances, like cigarettes, alcohol, and certain drugs, can have a negative impact on erectile function. These all have somewhat of an effect on the cardiovascular system and limit the way it functions. 

Smoking is, specifically, a big problem. One study found that there is “overwhelming evidence” that smoking worsens erectile function, regardless of other factors. The same study even found that, in some controlled trials, men who quit smoking regained some erectile function. So, quitting smoking is an easy way to have better erections. 

Eliminate Stress

Stress has a big impact on ED. Stress and anxiety can change how the signals from your brain are sent or how they are received. Since these signals are a necessary part of telling the muscles around the penis to increase blood flow, disrupting them disrupts erections. 

So, managing stress is a key part of managing ED. This can be done in many different ways. Some people go to therapy, others meditate, and others eliminate stress through hobbies or productive activities. There are even some supplements, like Delta 8 THC gummies, that can be taken in these instances. 

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Some men think they can get by with just a few hours of sleep each night. They think that simply pushing through the lack of sleep will be fine. However, doing so can have negative effects on erectile function. 

That is why getting the recommended amount of sleep each day is important. This gives the best chance of maintaining good erectile health. 

For those who struggle with getting enough sleep, looking into natural solutions may help. There are some CBD products for sleep that many people have seen success through. 

Supplements and Medications

Finally, if other solutions don’t work, it may be necessary to use supplements and medications to fight against ED. 

There are plenty of prescription options out there. Sildenafil (Viagra), avanafil (Stendra), tadalafil (Cialis), and vardenafil (Levitra) are all common options that have proven to be effective for many. Seeing a doctor and explaining your situation will allow them to prescribe one of these to you.

There are also natural, non-prescription options available. There is a wide range of male enhancement products out there, many of which are highly reviewed and regarded well by their customers. The nice part about these is that they don’t require a prescription and, thus, are a little easier to get a hold of. 

Want to take steps to improve your overall health so you can improve your sexual health and performance too? Browse our health supplements and find the one that meets your health goals!

See A Doctor

In any case, a struggle against erectile dysfunction should be something you go through with a doctor. They can advise you through the process and prescribe medications if necessary. If you want to go with supplements instead of medications, they can even let you know if the supplements you are looking into will interfere with your medications or any health problems you have. 

 A doctor talking to a patient in an office

Getting Better Erections

Understanding what goes into better erections can help anyone get better erections. By taking steps like eating healthier foods, cutting out smoking, or taking supplements, getting hard and staying hard is easier. Just be sure to consult a doctor along the way. 

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The information and content in this article are intended for informational purposes only. It should not be a substitute for professional or medical advice. You should always speak with a licensed professional before you follow anything you read online.

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